
Understanding Chhattisgarh’s Livelihood Landscapes Through PRADAN’s Initiative

Samik Adhikari, Deepti K.C. | November 26, 2012

In a series to understand the ground realities of livelihood opportunities for the poor, CMF is currently interviewing a set of recognized practitioners. In our first episode, we feature Saroj Mahapatra, Programme Director, PRADAN – Chhattisgarh. PRADAN is a non-government, … Read More

Is Safe Box all you Need to Save Towards the Next Savings Goal?

LEAD Research Team | November 20, 2012

Helping the poor save more towards a specific goal, could be as simple as providing them a safe, secure device for savings – something as simple as a Piggy Bank or a Safe Box.  Sounds too simple?  Based on a … Read More

Analyzing the BC Model (Part IV) – Policy Recommendations to Improve its Functionality

LEAD Research Team | November 19, 2012

[Terminology: Banking Facilitators (BFs) disseminate education on bank products and collect documents from clients on the bank’s behalf, along with offering a host of other products.]   Our first post in the series discussed the significant advantages of using information … Read More

Financing Higher Education in India – Education Loans can never be the Only Solution

LEAD Research Team | November 18, 2012

In my previous blogs, I have spoken in great length about the need for public expenditure in higher education. In this section, I would like to highlight one of the most preferred options for financing higher education in India, namely … Read More

Problems with Financing Higher Education in India

LEAD Research Team | November 18, 2012

The debate surrounding around the issues with financing higher education is primarily because ‘education’ is considered to be a quasi- public good. It is a public good because the benefits out of it largely affect society through human capital formation … Read More

How is Higher Education Financed in India?

LEAD Research Team | November 16, 2012

Within the economics literature, education is considered to be one of the classic public goods (Grace, 1989). Public good is a good where benefits of engaging in the activity are accrued not just to the individual, but to society at … Read More

HiH Self-Help Group Training – Dreaming Big!!

LEAD Research Team | November 16, 2012

I recently attended a self-help group (SHG) training session organised by Hand in Hand (HiH). Before getting into the specifics, let me give you a little more insight into the training sessions provided by HiH. HiH is an NGO which … Read More

Informally Successful? – A Fish-seller's Tale

LEAD Research Team | November 15, 2012

Here is an interesting tale of savings from a fish-seller I have known for quite some time. His reliance on informal savings is interesting as it has helped him supplement not only his livelihood but also enhance it further. Earlier, … Read More

Data vs Ideology – What Works for the Poor?

LEAD Research Team | November 14, 2012

Nate Silver –the man who challenged American political pundits to follow math– not their guts. I might sound full of pride- but this is probably that time when all researchers are probably finding some Nate Silver in themselves.   Picture … Read More

To Commit or not to Commit: Perspectives from a Research Paper

LEAD Research Team | November 12, 2012

As part of the savings month, we at CMF have also been reading and discussing various academic papers. Last week, I happen to lead the discussion on a paper that dealt with the aspect of commitment savings. Given that farmers … Read More