Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Equity Investment in Microfinance

A report on the state of equity investment in the microfinance sector in India and barriers to the future growth of equity investments in the sector. … Read More

Evaluating FINO’s Financial Literacy Education Program

This study evaluates the impact of a financial literacy training program delivered by business correspondents.  … Read More

Evaluating the Impact of Health Services on Recipients of Livelihoods Support

This study investigates the impact the combination of a livelihood program with a health program on the ability of low-income households to escape health-income poverty traps. … Read More

Evaluation of Financial Literacy Training Programmes: A Scoping Study

This exploratory study evaluates the scope of different financial literacy training programmes that are being implemented across India, from both an implementer’s and beneficiaries’ perspective. … Read More

Financial Inclusion Drive: Perspectives From Gulbarga

This study evaluates financial inclusion drives in the district of Gulbarga, Karnataka, to assess their impact and success in opening accounts for unbanked households. … Read More

Financial Inclusion Studies: Analysis of No-Frills Accounts Drives in Cuddalore District

This study evaluated district-level financial inclusion drives to assess goals achieved and the behaviour of clients using newly opened accounts in the district of Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Impact of Livelihoods Projects: Stock-taking of Agriculture and Rural Development Initiatives

This study identifies the impact and lessons learnt from a livelihoods project in seven Indian states funded by the World Bank. … Read More

Financial Inclusion Studies: Analysis of No-Frills Accounts Drives in Gulbarga

An evaluation of financial inclusion drives to assess goals achieved and the behaviour of clients using newly opened accounts in the district of Gulbarga, Karnataka. … Read More

Enabling Dialogue Between Regulators and Innovators for Financial Inclusion: Seven Use Cases to Test the Waters


This policy note highlights ‘high impact’ use cases for promoting digital payment adoption in India, and offers templates for stakeholders to test them using a sandbox approach and provides recommendations for creating a more enabling regulatory and policy environment.

Implementing Innovation Through an Ecosystem “Learning And Solving By Doing” Approach

Gaurav Singhal, Sharon Buteau

This learning note captures the adaptive process of innovation in real world settings, based on Catalyst’s experience of undertaking rapid, data-driven, test-learn-and-build cycles to validate innovative business models in the digital payments space.