Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov)

This project seeks to use the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) framework to measure women’s voice and empowerment in the agrifood policy process. Background The Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) project addresses a critical global issue: the underrepresentation … Read More

Measuring Financial Health in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Sabina Yasmin, Sampurna Basu, Nelson G Mathews

In the last decade or so, considerable progress has been in bridging gaps in access to finance worldwide. In emerging economies, the financial inclusion agenda has also gained significant momentum. Meanwhile, there is growing recognition that for inclusion to deliver … Read More

Making the Invisible Visible – Addressing Financial Exclusion in India

India’s financial inclusion journey has seen monumental gains over the last decade. Propelled by government initiatives such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, 80% of adults have a bank account and the gender gap is also gradually closing. Despite … Read More

Democratisation of Financial Health – Learnings from Emerging and Developed Nations

Globally, considerable progress has been in bridging gaps in access to financial services for the underserved. Notwithstanding these strides, there is growing recognition that for inclusion to deliver on its mandate, it is imperative to enable enhanced financial literacy, capability, … Read More

Measuring Financial Health of Informal Workers: Why it Matters

Sabina Yasmin, Panchali Banerjee

The global pandemic would be the most recent and appropriate example to substantiate the need for measuring the financial health of informal workers. COVID-19 induced severe downscaling of economic activities, due to which the LMICs have suffered strong financial consequences. … Read More

From Access to Use: Insights on Serving Women Banking Customers in India

Sabina Yasmin, Sonja Kelly, Flavy Sen Sharma

India leads the world in the expansion of financial access to low-income people, especially low-income women. As the access challenge is nearly solved, the opportunity financial services providers now face is engaging their customers.  Public Sector Banks (PSBs) are uniquely … Read More

Access to Finance for Women-run MSMEs in India

The study aimed to understand the nature of difference in access to credit by entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs in terms of barriers and propose solutions Background Women-run micro, small and medium enterprises (WMSMEs) account for approximately only 20 percent of … Read More

Evaluating Adoption of Climate Resilient Agricultural Practices: Evidence from India and Nepal

This study aimed to understand how climate hazards impacts the livelihoods of farming communities. Background Climate change has adverse implications for crop yield, food supply, market prices and can further aggravate the situation of food insecurity and poverty in South … Read More

Financial Health Scorecard for Gig and Platform Workers

This project aimed to create a scorecard or assessment tool for financial health that can serve as an index or a collection of various metrics.   Background Financial inclusion has been a top priority for policymakers and the private sector, as … Read More

Gig Pulse: Financial Matters & Motives – Insights Into the Various Lives of Gig Workers

Sharon Buteau, Badal Malick

The introduction of digital technology in key sectors has fundamentally altered how people work and has far-reaching implications for the future of work. One such shift is seen in the emergence of thegig economy, which currently accounts for around 8 … Read More