Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Putting Money in Motion: How Much do Migrants Pay for Domestic Transfers?

The study provides insights into the different remittance channels that migrants opt for and the associated money-transfer costs they incur, to understand the various difficulties faced by migrants in transferring money within the country, despite considerable willingness to pay for safe and convenient mode of transfer. … Read More

Map of Microfinance

This project captures and maps important policy-relevant information such as penetration of financial services and the salient models of microfinance in various states, districts, and areas of the country. … Read More

Scoping Meso-Level Insurance in Agriculture Sector in India

This study explores the potential and feasibility of agricultural insurance at the meso-level, which covers risk-aggregators such as banks, MFIs, and agribusinesses. … Read More

Can Workforce Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

This study examines whether workfare programs, such as NREGA, can provide coping mechanisms for low-income households, by stabilising income generation during economic shocks caused by weather risks. … Read More

Study on the Drivers of Over-Indebtedness of Microfinance Borrowers in India: An In-depth Investigation of Saturated Areas

This study examines the nature and level of over-indebtedness among microfinance clients in selected cities of India, through measures of overindebtedness.  … Read More

Collateral and Guarantee

This study aims to test the impact of lowering collateral and guarantee requirements on the sustainability of Chit Funds. … Read More

Comprehensive Social Security for the Indian Unorganized Sector

This study analyses the challenges in the design and implementation of social security schemes and uses this understanding  to draw lessons for designing a comprehensive social security scheme for India. … Read More

Equity Investment in Microfinance

A report on the state of equity investment in the microfinance sector in India and barriers to the future growth of equity investments in the sector. … Read More

Evaluating FINO’s Financial Literacy Education Program

This study evaluates the impact of a financial literacy training program delivered by business correspondents.  … Read More

Evaluating the Impact of Health Services on Recipients of Livelihoods Support

This study investigates the impact the combination of a livelihood program with a health program on the ability of low-income households to escape health-income poverty traps. … Read More