Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Plugging the MSME Finance Gap in India: Assessment of investment in Vistaar Finance

This study examines the effects of Dutch Entrepreneurial Bank FMO’s investment in NBFC Vistaar Financial Services. … Read More

Emerging Insights from Digital Solutions in Financial Inclusion

Sharon Buteau, Preethi Rao, Fabrizio Valenti

In a rapidly digitizing country, Digital Financial Services (DFS) and fintech companies hold the promise of bringing financial inclusion to the last mile. Ensuring that vulnerable and marginalized groups have access to digital finance, can substantially reduce the time spent on … Read More

Tax Reforms to Increase the Viability of Business Correspondents

Fabrizio Valenti

Business correspondents (BCs) play an essential role in advancing financial inclusion and bringing financial services and products to unbanked and underbanked populations. RBI clearly recognizes and supports their role as stated in its financial inclusion strategy for 2020-2024 as well … Read More

Conducting a Systematic Review: Methodology and Steps

LEAD at Krea University

Systematic reviews have gained momentum as a key method of evidence synthesis in global development research in recent times. As defined in the Cochrane Handbook on Systematic reviews “Systematic reviews seek to collate evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria in … Read More

Gender in Agriculture and Food Systems: An Evidence Gap Map

LEAD at Krea University

The 2007-2008 global food-price crisis disproportionately affected women, particularly smallholder women farmers. The subsequent responses by governments, multilateral agencies and other institutions over the last decade do not seem to have had the intended effect of addressing underlying power imbalances … Read More

Early Insights from a Digital Intervention among Members of Women Collectives

LEAD at Krea University

Government entitlements are often the primary source of social protection for poor households. As part of our IWWAGE initiative, we are collaborating with Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions Private Limited (HESPL) and the Chhattisgarh State Livelihoods Mission (Bihan) to test a tech-enabled … Read More

Financing for MSMEs: Panel Discussion Organised by GAME

Executive Director Sharon Buteau was a panellist in a webinar on ‘Financing for MSMEs’, organised by the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship India (G.A.M.E India). Speakers included: Nat Mallupillai – Director, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation India, LLP; Sanjay Thakur … Read More

Motivating Loan Officers to Improve the Provision of Financial Services to the Poor

This study explores how information on incentives can influence the performance of loan officers of Microfinance Institutions. … Read More

Savings Activation

This study examines how access to a savings card can influence the saving behaviour of customers, and improve their financial health and resilience. … Read More

Evaluating Constraints to the Adoption of Machan Farming

This study examines the role of credit constraints in the adoption of an innovative new model of multi-layered vegetable farming in contemporary India. … Read More