
Environment Literacy in Sikkim

This study documents the current level of environmental literacy of citizens of Sikkim in order to assess and influence knowledge-awareness channels and direct impact on reducing anthropogenic contributions to environmental damage. … Read More

Savings Monitor: Deploying Local Social Networks To Mobilize Savings

This study examines the impact of monitoring interventions that encourage individuals to save, and their impact on businesses, household welfare and mitigation of financial shocks.  … Read More

Cooking Practices and Cookstoves: A Pilot Study of User Experience with Traditional and Improved Cookstoves

This two-part study examines traditional cooking practices in rural India as well as aims to understand user experiences, to provide actionable recommendations for designing cookstoves and improving service delivery. … Read More

A Study on Financing Model and Liabilities (Terminal Benefits) for Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

This study analyses the pension liabilities of Tamil Nadu’s Water Supply and Drainage Board, using a financing model, as well as assesses the impact of funding provisions for pension expenditure on the state budget. … Read More

Fiscal Instruments for Environment and Climate Change: Experiences from Indian States

A compilation of experiences from some of the Indian States that have implemented fiscal instruments to address environmental and climate issues. … Read More

Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for the Districts Of Kerala

This study presents a general framework to generate, assess and replicate a composite measure of environmental sustainability at the District level for the State of Kerala. … Read More

No Policy is an Island: Finance and Food Security in India

This study evaluates the policies and their implementation encompassing the situation of finance and food security in India.
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Environmental and Social Risks in Project Financing: Evidence From India

This project documents case studies of developmental projects in India that have been affected by environmental and social impacts arising out of the project activities. … Read More

An Assessment of the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)

This study evaluates the NAIS scheme in terms of coverage, pay-outs and other relevant outcomes to understand the causal linkages between insured lending portfolios and agricultural credit flows. … Read More

Fiscal Instruments for Low Carbon Transport in Chennai

This study examines the feasibility of implementing a congestion tax in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to present recommendations regarding levying a per trip charge in heavily congested corridors in the city. … Read More