
Learnings from Women’s Workplace Experiences in Sri City

This study provides critical insights into the working conditions of women in Sri City and their broader implications for empowerment and well-being, offering valuable guidance for policy and practice in SEZs. … Read More

Examining Safety Issues for Women in Chennai’s Public Spaces and Their Impact on Workforce Participation

The study aims to identify the specific challenges women face while working in public spaces and to propose practical solutions to improve their safety and working conditions. The findings will help inform policy and infrastructural interventions to support women workers in Chennai.
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Safety and Employment: How Perceptions of Transit Safety Shape Women’s Job Choices in Chennai

This study highlights the critical role of perceived safety in shaping women’s employment decisions and underscores the need for policies and interventions that address both objective and perceived safety concerns.
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Driving Change by Empowering Women Auto Drivers in Chennai

This study seeks to inform policies that will enhance the well-being and status of women auto drivers, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable workforce in India.
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Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov)

This project seeks to use the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) framework to measure women’s voice and empowerment in the agrifood policy process. Background The Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) project addresses a critical global issue: the underrepresentation … Read More

Gender x Digital (GxD) Hub

This initiative aims to work at the forefront of gender and digital. Background The Gender X Digital Hub (GxD Hub) at  IFMR  is a cross-disciplinary platform dedicated to advancing meaningful digital connectivity among women and girls in India.  The GxD … Read More

Sustainable Financing Models for Water Supply and Sanitation: Insights from an Evaluation

This evaluation assesses the overall management of water supply and sanitation (WSS) portfolios of financial institution (FI) partners under’s WaterCredit initiative, identifying their impact on the community, success factors and challenges for sustained lending in the sector. Background Substantial … Read More

Mobilising Strategic Philanthropy to Strengthen Unorganized Workers

This project aimed for higher upward socio-economic mobility of unserved/underserved unorganized workers, with enhanced inclusion and resilience through the Dignity in Labour Platform. Background More than 80% of India’s non-agricultural labour force comprises informal employees (ILO, 2018) where low productivity … Read More

Access to Finance for Women-run MSMEs in India

The study aimed to understand the nature of difference in access to credit by entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs in terms of barriers and propose solutions Background Women-run micro, small and medium enterprises (WMSMEs) account for approximately only 20 percent of … Read More

Evaluating Adoption of Climate Resilient Agricultural Practices: Evidence from India and Nepal

This study aimed to understand how climate hazards impacts the livelihoods of farming communities. Background Climate change has adverse implications for crop yield, food supply, market prices and can further aggravate the situation of food insecurity and poverty in South … Read More