
Yale Economic Growth Center’s Tamil Nadu Socio-economic Mobility Survey Part 1- Does Improvement in School Quality Result in Increased Returns to Education in India?

Tanay Balantrapu, Dahyeon Jeong | October 27, 2014

There is an increasing emphasis on improving learning outcomes in discussions on education policy in India. With encouraging improvement in enrollment rates in primary schools over the past decade, it seems only natural that the focus is shifting to school … Read More

Why do We Use GPS? Application of Data

LEAD Research Team | October 16, 2014

For the past one year, GPS recordings have been important data points for all the phases of recent studies at IFMR-LEAD. This is because the relevance and application of GPS data has evolved enormously. Given its relevance in our work, … Read More

Almost There, But Not There Yet: Rural India’s Education Crisis

LEAD Research Team | October 7, 2014

Sometime in the beginning of 2014, Pratham Education Foundation published its Annual Status of Education Report (ASER). The report indicated a drastic improvement in the enrollment of children in elementary school in rural India, yet it also highlighted its concerns … Read More

Is it time for SHG2? Revisiting the SHG Model

Parul Agarwal, Amulya Champatiray, Misha Sharma | September 9, 2014

We feature a collborative post by Parul Agarwal, Amulya Champatiray & Misha Sharma on the results from their recently concluded research study, ‘Self Help Group Bank Linkage: Through the Responsible Finance Lens’. The self-help group (SHG) program, which began as a … Read More

Trusting Technology: Insights from the Field

LEAD Research Team | August 18, 2014

Respondents using Avaaj Otalo (AO) – a mobile phone based agricultural extension service- are used to receiving weekly voice calls incorporating advice on a number of topics including agricultural inputs, weather, cultivation practices, etc. It never ceases to amaze me … Read More

Can Qualitative Research be Rigorous? Part 2: The Value of Qualitative Research Methods for Impact Evaluation

LEAD Research Team | June 23, 2014

For the remaining segments of this series, I’m going to specifically focus on the role of qualitative research in the context of impact evaluation. It is often the case that qualitative methods go under-appreciated in this context – after all, … Read More

Training: A Way to Improve Data Quality

LEAD Research Team | June 4, 2014

Currently, I’m involved in the field team training for a second round of data collection for the Bricks project. As we’re in the intervention part of the study, this round is going to be as interesting and challenging as the … Read More

Is Financial Literacy Worth it?

LEAD Research Team | May 26, 2014

Financial literacy is a complex thing. A broad way of thinking about it is, as the skill to manage one’s financial resources in an informed manner. Defining it is simple enough. It becomes trickier when we set out trying to measure … Read More

What is the Best Metric for Measuring India's Progress?

LEAD Research Team | May 20, 2014

What metric best measures a nation’s progress? A composite metric that is a combination of different factors is not as sound as it may seem at first sight because of the subjective bias involved in the weights allotted to individual … Read More

Gender Differences in Health Outcomes

LEAD Research Team | May 15, 2014

According to the World Health Organization, the distinct roles and responsibilities of men and women in a given society, dictated by culture’s gender norms and values, give rise to gender differences and inequality- that is, differences between men and women … Read More