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Scorecard for Women Entrepreneurship : Unlocking the Potential of Women – charcha 2022

In India’s journey to creating more than 150 million jobs by 2030, the emphasis on female entrepreneurship cannot be disregarded. Sharon Buteau, Executive Director, LEAD at Krea University, will join other policymakers & leaders to share thoughts on ‘Scorecard for … Read More

Digital Solutions for Empowering Women’s Collectives in Chhattisgarh

Tanushree Bhan, Deveshi Chawda, Aditi Priya, Vysakh D. Satheesh, Fabrizio Valenti

LEAD at Krea University, through its gender initiative IWWAGE, has partnered with the State Rural Livelihoods Mission in Chhattisgarh to train female SHG members on a mobile application that provides them with an opportunity for paid work by facilitating welfare … Read More

Women and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries – Perspectives from India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh

Studies show that labour force participation rates have been declining in all economies, especially among women, reflecting the impact of the pandemic. The socio-cultural barriers faced by women entrepreneurs are common in every part of the developing world, and are … Read More

IAFFE 2022: Measuring Gendered Perceptions, Hiring Biases and Enterprise Level Concerns

LEAD at Krea University along with its research initiative IWWAGE participated at the International Association of Feminist Economics’s 30th Annual Conference in Geneva. Kartikeya Bhatotia, Senior Research Associate, LEAD at Krea University along with Nidhi Gyan Pandey, Research Associate, IWWAGE and Parushya, Research … Read More

Celebrating over 15 Years of LEAD’s Journey: Launch of Coffee Table Book

Former ICICI Bank Limited chairman and the Chancellor of Krea University Narayanan Vaghul and Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, President, IIT Madras Research Park & Incubation Cell launched a coffee table book titled ‘LEAD the Journey – Catalysing Change, Enabling Transformative Solutions’: … Read More

Capacity Building: An Important Aspect of Evaluation Eco-System

Partners: Global Evaluation Initiative, Evaluation Community of India Monitoring and evaluation eco-system is constantly evolving in multiple dimensions including innovations in approaches and frameworks; methodologies for conducting evaluations; techniques of data collection and analysis; involvement of stakeholders, evaluation systems and … Read More

Barriers and Opportunities For Aspirational Women Entrepreneurs

Neelanjana Gupta, Preethi Rao

Historically, in India, household gender norms and restrictions on women, along with lack of education and mentorship among women, have proven to be significant obstacles to nurturing women entrepreneurs, thereby inhibiting women’s advancement. This study was undertaken by IWWAGE to … Read More

Delving Into the History of Pulicat, Its Inhabitants and Its Ecosystem

Vighnesh P, Kaavya Kumar, Sathiyan S, Siddarth M

This post on the history and socio-economic context of Pulicat was produced in collaboration with students from Ashoka University to observe World Environment Day. Pulicat or Pazhaverkadu is home to over 56 fishing communities which depend on this endangered ecosystem … Read More

Postcards from the Field

Keerthana Ramaswamy, Diksha Singh

In this new series, we bring forth anecdotes and lessons from our field interactions in Bhagalpur, Bihar and Tondiarpet, Tamil Nadu.

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Multidimensional Impact of Finance on Microenterprises

Sharon Buteau, Abhishek Gupta, Sanjana Vijay

The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector in India has consistently contributed more than 30% to the country’s GDP over the last decade. The significance of MSMEs in India’s economy also arises from both its scale in the country … Read More