December 19 to 20, 2022


The Public and Digital: Examining the Spatial Dimensions of Increasing Gender-based Violence in India

Partner: Krea University, IWWAGE

Gender-based Violence (GBV) has witnessed an exponential rise in the last decade, unmitigated by national and international policies and initiatives. In the last decade, the context for Violence against Women and Girls disproportionately intensified with the occurrence of the Pandemic. The National Crime Records Bureau, in its Crime in India report 2021, documented a 15.3% increase in crimes against women. The crime rate recorded per lakh women is 64.5 compared to 56.5 in 2020.

Krea University, LEAD at Krea University and its gender initiative IWWAGE, organised a two-and-a-half-day workshop on Gender-based Violence to build a comprehensive understanding of Public Space and the Public Sphere and their interaction with violence by bringing forth existing scholarship and practices on space to thematically designed panel discussions in the workshop.

The primary objective of this workshop was to deliberate and understand how gender-based violence shapes public life in both the features of spatial dimension, that is: the normative ideal and the empirical descriptive ideal. The critical outcomes envisaged from the workshop are expected to envision future areas of intervention and work around gender-based violence, focusing on spatial interventions and explorations. The workshop convened a diverse set of stakeholders from academia, civil society, policy, and practice.

