Opportunities and Challenges for a Green Economic Recovery in Odisha

This project aims to create a decentralised action plan for the state of Odisha to facilitate a green economic recovery, through a collaborative process of stakeholder engagement.


Odisha has been identified as one of the most vulnerable states in the country; it has witnessed a threefold increase in climate disasters like floods and a fourfold increase in droughts in the last decade. The state is highly dependent on natural resource-based sectors for over 80 per cent of its livelihood, yet the state has currently allocated less than 5 per cent of its overall green budget to counter such challenges. Green recovery (GR) i.e. promoting nature-based solutions supported by green finance can help generate sustainable local livelihood in the post-pandemic phase.


This green recovery strategy was the output of a joint effort involving diverse stakeholders from Bhubaneswar (Khurda district), Bargarh, Koraput and Kalahandi in Odisha coming together to develop strategies for the sectors that they were involved in for years. The study utilized detailed discussions, interviews and FGDs with farmers, SHGs, academics, finance providers, government representatives and others to shortlist what could be the 13 ‘best’ strategies for a green economic recovery. It was supported by a rigorous policy review keeping in mind the local context and needs. 

The exercise culminated in a two-day consultative workshop conducted in April 2022. The discussion featured different stakeholders namely: individual farmers, entrepreneurs associated with MSMEs, researchers/academics, policymakers, civil society representatives working on relevant issues, representatives of financial institutions, representatives of different collectives (producers, workers and consumers) working on promoting agriculture and MSMEs in Odisha.

The key objectives of this workshop were:

  1. To create an avenue for interaction among stakeholders on barriers and opportunities for enabling a Green Recovery (GR) in the agriculture and MSME sectors;
  2. To consolidate stakeholder insights on the risk and returns of financing green recovery efforts in the agriculture and MSME sectors in Odisha and suggest a framework that categorizes GR strategies based on impact, financial requirements and scalability;
  3. To map policy tools and policy nodes through which the shortlisted GR strategies can be implemented.


The consultative workshop was followed up with a dissemination workshop in October 2022 where thirteen strategies of green recovery identified were discussed and a note on the same was released. The strategy document provides a foundation that can be used to build a green recovery stakeholder platform by enabling access to domestic and private funding. The Green Recovery workshop enabled discussions and knowledge sharing among Odisha’s most relevant stakeholders in the agriculture sector. Workshop participants responded favourably to the exercise, and were able to come up with cross-sectoral inputs taking into account the trade-offs for each stakeholder. This showcases the possibility of a permanent Green Platform in the state where such dialogues propel policy.

Related Resources

Strategy Note | Opportunities and Challenges for Enabling a Green Economic Recovery in Odisha

Presentation | Dissemination Workshop Deck

Press Article | Thirteen Green Recovery Strategies Identified for Odisha’s Agriculture and MSME Sector

Background Note | Envisioning a Stakeholder Platform for Green Recovery

Presentation | Consultation Workshop Deck

Press Article | Farmers, Policymakers and Academics Discuss Green Recovery Strategies for Promoting Odisha’s Economy at Workshop

Thematic Area

Institutions and Society,

Small, Growing Businesses and Employment

Project Leads

Debdulal Thakur




New Venture Fund

