Small, Growing Businesses and Employment

Do Flexible Repayment Schedules Improve the Impact of Microcredit? Evidence from Rural India

An evaluation that studies the effects of flexible repayment schedules on borrowers’ investment level, consumption, and loan default in the dairy industry in India. … Read More

Credit Scoring Model for Registered Chit Fund Users

An analysis of how existing information on clients of Chit Funds can be used to predict their creditworthiness and savings/borrowing needs. … Read More

Evaluation of Hyderabad’s Pharmaceutical Drugs Cluster

An assessment of solvent loss via air, effluents and technology diffusion in the pharmaceutical cluster in Hyderabad. … Read More

Study on Prevalence of Bonded Labour in Tamil Nadu

This study involved developing and testing a robust and comprehensive tool to estimate the prevalence of bonded labour in the state of Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Collateral and Guarantee

This study aims to test the impact of lowering collateral and guarantee requirements on the sustainability of Chit Funds. … Read More

Study of Labour Market Choices and Outcomes in India

This study aims to understand skills training and employment preferences of India’s rural youthm, as well as examines the social networks and work-related mobility of these youth to identify factors that contribute to labour market choices and preferences. … Read More

Demand for Flexibility in Labor Arrangements: Evidence From Rural India

This study examines the demand for flexibility in work arrangements among casual laborers in Odisha, and how this affects worker absenteeism and firm productivity.  … Read More

Alternative Credit Scores for Small and Medium Enterprises

This study presents insights from an alternative credit scoring system, developed to address the shortage of data for informing credit decisions for the small and medium enterprise segment.  … Read More

The Importance of Hold-Up in Contracting: Evidence From a Field Experiment

This study explores how the relationship specificity of an investment affects the ex-ante structure of contracts and the ex-post resolution of an ensuing hold-up problem. … Read More

Markers of Trust: Recreating Digital Ecosystems for Women in Low-income Clusters

Shilpa Pandit

This learning note presents insights on the key aspects for designing a more inclusive and enabling digital ecosystem for women from low-income households, based on immersive qualitative research. The study focused on four different segments of female micro-entrepreneurs and self-employed … Read More