Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Accelerating Women’s Access to Entitlements through Digital Solutions

LEAD at Krea University

The Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE) is working with the Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihoods Mission and Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions to train 5,000 self-help group members to become Haqdarshikas. This brief captures provides a … Read More

The Economics and Psychology of Long-term Savings and Pensions

This study explores the behavioural mechanisms that influence decision making processes in long term savings amongst lower income households. … Read More

Digital Solutions to Unlock the Potential of SHGs and Their Federations

LEAD at Krea University

This infographic captures pathways of impact for a project with the Chhattisgarh’s State Rural Livelihoods Mission (Bihan) and key stakeholders in the ecosystem which seeks to better understand and test how digital solutions can enable SHGs to promote women’s social … Read More

Access to Affordable Daycare and Women’s Economic Opportunities: Evidence from a Cluster-Randomised Intervention in India

Parul Agarwal, Anoushaka Chandrashekar, Sam Harper

In this paper, the authors used data from a cluster-randomized trial in rural Rajasthan, India to evaluate the impact of providing access to a community-based daycare program on women’s economic outcomes two years later. The sample included 2858 mothers with … Read More

Scoping Meso-Level Insurance in Agriculture Sector in India

This study explores the potential and feasibility of agricultural insurance at the meso-level, which covers risk-aggregators such as banks, MFIs, and agribusinesses. … Read More

Can Workforce Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

This study examines whether workfare programs, such as NREGA, can provide coping mechanisms for low-income households, by stabilising income generation during economic shocks caused by weather risks. … Read More

Study on the Drivers of Over-Indebtedness of Microfinance Borrowers in India: An In-depth Investigation of Saturated Areas

This study examines the nature and level of over-indebtedness among microfinance clients in selected cities of India, through measures of overindebtedness.  … Read More

Collateral and Guarantee

This study aims to test the impact of lowering collateral and guarantee requirements on the sustainability of Chit Funds. … Read More

Comprehensive Social Security for the Indian Unorganized Sector

This study analyses the challenges in the design and implementation of social security schemes and uses this understanding  to draw lessons for designing a comprehensive social security scheme for India. … Read More

Equity Investment in Microfinance

A report on the state of equity investment in the microfinance sector in India and barriers to the future growth of equity investments in the sector. … Read More