Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Productivity and Competition in India’s Brick Industry

This study examines the underlying role of financial misallocation in driving productivity dispersion, in India’s brick industry. … Read More

Usage and Cross-Usage of Digital Financial Services across Agri Value Chains

With low digital literacy a major obstacle in achieving digital financial inclusivity, very little concern has gone towards the usability of digital financial services/products. This study examines the factors that influence the usability of digital products designed for farmers. … Read More

Setting Up a Registered Chit Fund for Underserved Small Businesses and Low-Income Households: Rural and Urban Areas

This study examines the Chit Fund model in India and tests the viability of running a rural chit scheme by setting up and comparing the costs of running rural and urban chit schemes. … Read More

Understanding the Effects of De-Legalisation on Bank Account Holders

This study provides insights into the impacts of demonetization among low-income bank account holders and their change in behaviour, attitudes, and perceptions towards digital payments. … Read More

What is Effective Human Touch as India Transitions to a Digital Age?

In the context of an increasing thrust on digital financial inclusion in India, this study examines the role of human touch points in assisting clients from low-income households in transitioning to digital financial services.  … Read More

The Impact of Access to Finance in Rural Tamil Nadu: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial

Using an experimental approach, this study evaluates the impact of a formal financial service delivery model – Kshetriya Grameen Financial Services (KGFS) – on rural households in Tamil Nadu. … Read More

The Evolving Financial Ecosystem for Micro-Merchants in India

This study aims to gain deeper insights into the financial needs of micro-merchants and identify skill and capacity gaps that need to be addressed in order to ease their adoption of digital payments. … Read More

Optimizing Network Referrals to Identify and Recruit Credit Worthy Entrepreneurs

Microfinance lenders make limited credit offers due to operational challenges in extensive referral and screening processes. This study aims to explore and optimize a referral protocol to identify good entrepreneurs and increase their access to credit. … Read More

Hospital Participation in India’s National Health Insurance Scheme (RSBY)

Evaluation study on the response of hospitals to National Health Insurance Scheme (RSBY) in order to observe how RSBY impacts hospital decisions geared towards capacity expansion, adoption of new technology, specialized services and pricing for the non-insured. … Read More

Financing Practices in SHG

This study aims to better inform relevant policies for SHGs by observing intra group dynamics across financial and social interactions in SHGs and gain clarity on group behaviour, performance, preferences and aspirations of group members. … Read More