Financial Well-being and Social Protection

The Landscape of Crop and Livestock Insurance in India

This is a detailed landscape assessment of agricultural insurance in India, with a focus on crop and livestock insurance, providing a brief overview of the current landscape of products available, details on take-up and usage of crop and livestock insurance and the barriers faced on the supply and demand sides. … Read More

Access to Finance in Andhra Pradesh

A detailed study that captures the levels of access to finance in rural Andhra Pradesh with detailed information on microfinance, which is representative of an entire state’s rural population. … Read More

Access to Microfinance, Female Empowerment and Fertility in Urban India

This study evaluates the impact of access to microfinance on female labour force participation and childbearing in the long-term. … Read More

A Study on Repayment Flexibility, Contract Choice and Investment Decisions Among Indian Microfinance Borrowers

This paper studies the impact of introducing repayment flexibility in microfinance contracts. … Read More

A Study on Cost and Revenue Pattern of Business Correspondents and Assessing Clients’ Willingness to Pay

This study evaluates the business correspondent model to identify challenges in its implementation and suggests strategies to improve its financial viability and sustainability. … Read More

A Field Experiment on Mobile Cash Transfers to Vulnerable Populations in Bangladesh

A feasibility assessment of the impact of mobile cash transfers to populations vulnerable to natural calamities in Bangladesh. … Read More

Increasing Women’s Participation in Community-based Livelihoods Intervention

Assessment of the JEEViKA project in Bihar to evaluate its impact and suggest strategies for further development of community based development interventions. … Read More

Inclusive Growth through Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Training: Impact Evaluation of a Self-Help Group Program

Impact study to evaluate the influence of SHG based microfinance and business training on the socio-economic outcomes of households in rural Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Early Stage Assessment of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana: Research Insights on Design and Implementation

This study focuses on understanding the design and implementation of PMMY to generate insights on early performance trends. … Read More

The Cream of the Crop: Targeting High Ability Entrepreneurs Using Microcredit Group Information

The study proposes an alternative means to measure entrepreneurial ability by leveraging existing networks of micro-credit clients to identify and target high ability entrepreneurs who can transition their enterprises to SMEs. … Read More