
Impact Evaluation on Savings Training on Microcredit Groups in Rural India

A study that examines the influence of a financial literacy program on financial behaviour in order to understand the impact of microfinance in rural areas. … Read More

Impact of Livelihoods Projects: Stock-taking of Agriculture and Rural Development Initiatives

This study identifies the impact and lessons learnt from a livelihoods project in seven Indian states funded by the World Bank. … Read More

Can Workforce Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

This study examines whether workfare programs, such as NREGA, can provide coping mechanisms for low-income households, by stabilising income generation during economic shocks caused by weather risks. … Read More

Alternative Credit Scores for Small and Medium Enterprises

This study presents insights from an alternative credit scoring system, developed to address the shortage of data for informing credit decisions for the small and medium enterprise segment.  … Read More

Information, Information Technology, and Local Governance

This initiative combines institutional analysis and technology insight to understand ways in information dissemination can improve local governance and strengthen democratic processes in India. … Read More

Impact of SLR on Coastal Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Land

This report concentrates on the impacts of sea level rise on coastal infrastructure, ecosystem and land in the state of Tamil Nadu, India … Read More

The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance

This study examines whether a development intervention that involves constant group interaction and standard microfinance lending, builds capital.
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Evaluation of the Rural and Urban Programs of the 3D Program for Girls and Women in India

An evaluation of the 3D Program for Girls and Woman, which focuses on the improvement of socio-economic and health outcomes for girls and women, to demonstrate its progress and identify constraints. … Read More

The Importance of Hold-Up in Contracting: Evidence From a Field Experiment

This study explores how the relationship specificity of an investment affects the ex-ante structure of contracts and the ex-post resolution of an ensuing hold-up problem. … Read More

Demand for Green Buildings in Indian Cities

This study investigates the demand for eco-friendly apartments in gated and non-gated communities in select Indian cities by different income-buyers using the hedonic price modelling. … Read More