
Assessing the Business Correspondent Model in Women’s World Banking Pilot Cities

This study aimed to understand the demand and supply-side factors that influence the success of the Business Correspondent model in India. … Read More

Exploring the Uptake and Use of Supplementary Nutrition under ICDS

This study examines the demand and supply side factors that influence the uptake of Take Home Rations provided under the ICDS program, in Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Digital Solutions for Empowerment of Women’s Collectives in Chhattisgarh

This project examines the pathways through which a digital platform can improve women’s access and take-up of government entitlements and create sustainable livelihoods. … Read More

Swashakt: Empowering Women through Collective-based Approaches

Under the Swashakt evidence programme, 3ie is funding the implementation of nine pilot and at-scale projects that support collectives and group-based models for women-led businesses. LEAD is the grants management partner for the programme. … Read More

Exploring Household Financial Decision-making through a Migration Lens

This study examines the factors that shape financial decision-making in migrant households in India, and aims to bridge gaps in current literature on their financial preferences and practices. … Read More

Impact, Feasibility of Investment and the Future of Efficient Cookstoves

This impact assessment seeks to understand the socio-demographic and market factors that determine the success of investment in efficient cookstoves.   … Read More

Evaluating the Impact of a Farm Ponds Program

This impact assessment will examine and document the impact of Deshpande Foundation’s ‘Farm Ponds’ program. … Read More

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Support for CGIAR’s GENDER Platform

As part of this project, LEAD is providing technical inputs on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to CGIAR’s GENDER platform initiative. … Read More

COVID-19 and its Impact on Mental Health Services

This project examines the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare services for mentally ill populations, from the perspective of a service provider. … Read More

Impact Evaluation of Tamil Nadu’s COVID-19 Assistance Package (CAP)

This evaluation assesses the impact of Government of Tamil Nadu’s COVID Assistance Package (CAP) on intended beneficiaries. … Read More