Exploring the Uptake and Use of Supplementary Nutrition under ICDS

This study examines the demand and supply-side factors that influence the uptake of Take-Home Rations provided under the ICDS program, in Tamil Nadu.


Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is India’s flagship programme for promoting improved health, nutrition and development outcomes for infants and young children. A Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) is one of the core components of ICDS, and as part of this programme, Take Home Ration (THR) is provided to children in the age group of 7 months to 3 years.

In this study, researchers explore the uptake and use of the ICDS THR among 1000-day families across a range of districts in Tamil Nadu. The study examines the contribution of demand-side factors such as overall client awareness and use of Anganwadi Center (AWC) services, perceptions about the social acceptability of the THR, as well as about the taste, quality and salience of the THR in the context of client food preferences. These findings will be juxtaposed with supply-side factors such as the production model, distribution frequency, regularity of supply and other barriers to supply and distribution. 

Related Resources

Research Note: Take-home Rations in the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS): Study of Coverage and Uptake in Tamil Nadu

Blog: The Role of Last-Mile Case Workers in a Pandemic – A Case Story from Tamil Nadu

Thematic Area

Health Systems and Quality of Life

Project Leads

Sapna Nair, Purnima Menon


Tamil Nadu


Government of Tamil Nadu, IFPRI

