
Debiasing Law Enforcement Officers: Evidence from an Expressive Arts Intervention in India

This project aims to study the impact of policing programs instituted to improve policing quality on the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) in Bihar … Read More

Phone Surveys and Sensitive Behaviour Reporting: Evidence from a Methods Experiment in India

This study aims to measure the extent to which phone surveys can act as an alternative to in-person surveys in gathering sensitive information. … Read More

Financing Adaptation Actions in the Indian Himalayan Region

An evaluation of the existing and potential sources of adaptation finance as well as key barriers to development and implementation of adaptation actions according to the SAPCC, with specific focus on the Indian Himalayan Region … Read More

Comprehensive Social Security for the Indian Unorganized Sector

This study analyses the challenges in the design and implementation of social security schemes and uses this understanding  to draw lessons for designing a comprehensive social security scheme for India. … Read More

ILEEP – The India-local Economic Environment Programme

This pilot developed a process for stakeholder participation in local economic planning for four districts in Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Using Safety Technology to Improve Training Opportunities and Labor Force Participation for Women: Experimental Evidence From India

This research project aims to study the effects of a scalable intervention on Violence Against Women (VAW) and its effects on labour supply decisions, as a part of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Skills’ Skills Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) operation in India … Read More

Social Beliefs and Norms of Arsenic Contamination

This experimental study examines the beliefs and social norms surrounding arsenic contamination of groundwater in order to encourage healthier and safer water usage practices. … Read More

Study of Labour Market Choices and Outcomes in India

This study aims to understand skills training and employment preferences of India’s rural youthm, as well as examines the social networks and work-related mobility of these youth to identify factors that contribute to labour market choices and preferences. … Read More

Study on the Drivers of Over-Indebtedness of Microfinance Borrowers in India: An In-depth Investigation of Saturated Areas

This study examines the nature and level of over-indebtedness among microfinance clients in selected cities of India, through measures of overindebtedness.  … Read More

Impact Assessment of a Drip Irrigation Programme in Gujarat

A study that conducts an analysis of impacts of micro-irrigation on water resources, agriculture and farmers in Gir Somnath district, Gujarat. … Read More