
Impact of SLR on Coastal Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Land

This report concentrates on the impacts of sea level rise on coastal infrastructure, ecosystem and land in the state of Tamil Nadu, India … Read More

The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance

This study examines whether a development intervention that involves constant group interaction and standard microfinance lending, builds capital.
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Evaluation of the Rural and Urban Programs of the 3D Program for Girls and Women in India

An evaluation of the 3D Program for Girls and Woman, which focuses on the improvement of socio-economic and health outcomes for girls and women, to demonstrate its progress and identify constraints. … Read More

The Importance of Hold-Up in Contracting: Evidence From a Field Experiment

This study explores how the relationship specificity of an investment affects the ex-ante structure of contracts and the ex-post resolution of an ensuing hold-up problem. … Read More

Demand for Green Buildings in Indian Cities

This study investigates the demand for eco-friendly apartments in gated and non-gated communities in select Indian cities by different income-buyers using the hedonic price modelling. … Read More

Impact of World Bank Funded Irrigation Projects in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Odisha

This study examined the impact of nine World Bank funded irrigation projects across Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Odisha. … Read More

Implementation of a Women-based Community Driven Development Programme in Tamil Nadu: The Pudhu Vaazhvu Project

This study evaluates the effectiveness of a women-based CDD Programme under the PVP of the Government of Tamil Nadu, its flaws, and possible improvements.

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Study on Prevalence of Bonded Labour in Tamil Nadu

This study involved developing and testing a robust and comprehensive tool to estimate the prevalence of bonded labour in the state of Tamil Nadu. … Read More

What Determines Entrepreneurial Success — A Psychometric Study of Rural Entrepreneurs in India

This study examines the determinants of entrepreneurial success by studying the characteristics of rural kiosk operators, to identify and provide a model for the selection strategy of rural entrepreneurs. … Read More

Developing Financing Strategies for Implementing the State Action Plans on Climate Change

This project presents strategies for raising funds towards assisting the Central and State Governments in India to implement the State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC) in an effective and efficient manner. … Read More