
Remembering the Field

LEAD Research Team | October 18, 2012

Drawing by Samira Jain I have not taken any photos of any of my field experiences in Bihar, mostly due to an inexplicable sense of discomfort in taking photos of people and their surroundings (even when they’re not study respondents … Read More

Re-imagining Policy

LEAD Research Team | October 17, 2012

India’s public expenditure on agriculture is one of the highest in the Asian region; yet, agricultural productivity remains relatively low. The main policy instrument used for domestic agriculture seems to be focus on some form of a subsidy.  More than … Read More

Tick Tock, Preference Shock

LEAD Research Team | October 16, 2012

The previous blog about the ongoing project in Satara, “Economics and Psychology of Long Term Savings and Pensions” was an introduction to why time-preference inconsistency is important and how it may manifest itself. The current blog will attempt to describe … Read More

What was the “Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief” Scheme About?

LEAD Research Team | October 12, 2012

Photo Credit: According to Malcolm Harper, “the loan waiver scheme is an expensive, populist device that won’t have much effect” (Eye on Microfinance, Volume 7).  This was in response to the In March 2008 “Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief” … Read More

Agricultural Financing – Potential for Innovations ?

LEAD Research Team | October 12, 2012

Quite often, I come across this from some of my city-based friends, “Someday I would like to retire and get settled in a village and have a farm to myself, grow some vegetables and more” I do not know to … Read More

Making the Case for Financial Literacy – Why is FE Critical for the Vulnerable Clients in India – Opinions from the Field (PART III)

LEAD Research Team | October 11, 2012

In Part I and Part II of this blog, we made a case for FE by making the modules concise, cost-efficient and effective for the clients. In this blog we discuss the observations from the field that add to existing … Read More

Newsletter Article – A Closer Look at the Financial Viability of the BC Model

LEAD Research Team | October 5, 2012

To make the mainstream banking services available to all, RBI and government have been outlining many initiatives that could accelerate efforts on this. The year 2005 and 2006 witnessed two key initiatives of RBI to reinforce the financial inclusion drive … Read More

Newsletter Article – Making the Case for Financial Literacy – Why is FE Critical for the Vulnerable Clients in India – Opinions from the Field

LEAD Research Team | October 5, 2012

According to National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) (59th Round) data, nearly 51% of the farmer families in India are excluded from both formal and informal sources of finance. Exclusion is most acute in Central, Eastern and North-Eastern regions. Among non-cultivating … Read More

Newsletter Article – Social Security for the Aam Aadmi

Shahid Vaziralli | October 5, 2012

I spend a disturbingly high percentage of my time these days pretending to be a sardine in our office elevator, as it creeps down the ten floors towards the cafeteria. That, or standing in a succession of lines at airports. … Read More

Newsletter Article – Futures Price Information for Small and Medium Farmers

Samik Adhikari, Gautam Bastian, Lisa Nestor | October 5, 2012

Agriculture and allied activities continue to employ 52% of the Indian workforce and account for 17.2% of GDP. Average land holding size however remains very low, with 70% of the land held by farmers who own 2.47 acres (1 hectare) … Read More