Author Archives: admin

Funding to the Microfinance Sector: Review of Options

Jayshree Venkatesan, Vineet Sukumar

The Indian microfinance sector has seen a series of rapid changes in the past decade. The sector grew rapidly in the period 2004-2009, with an average increase in number of clients year-on-year being 91%, while size of portfolio outstanding grew … Read More

Involving Students in Social Science Experiments

Deepti KC

The development sector in India has been a vibrant scene – many private and public institutions are engaged in efforts to raise the living standards of the rural poor. From non-profit organizations offering financial services to for-profit social enterprises, India … Read More

How are Farmers Insured? Thoughts for the Next Time you Purchase Rice

Surabhi Agarwal

“Do you want rice that is 40Rs/KL, 50Rs/KL, or 60Rs/KL?”   A relatively simple question that we, as consumers, face when purchasing rice at a local store. But have we considered how the farmer decides which variety of rice to … Read More

A Better Harvest for Indian Farmers – Just a Phone Call Away?

Tanaya Devi

A new CMF study explores the potential of a new mobile agricultural extension service to improve farming techniques.    The Indian government has willingly implemented agricultural demonstrations as a method to develop farming knowledge and techniques. It spent $60 million … Read More

India’s New Poverty Numbers

Shardul Oza

The Planning Commission has released new poverty estimates for the country, showing that the percentage of people living below the poverty line poor fell from from 37% to 29.8% from 2004-2005 to 2009-2010.  According to the Commission, the fall is … Read More

Why Index-Based Insurance Could Work

Shardul Oza

A post by NYU researcher Jonathan Bauchet on the CGAP Microfinance Blog discusses some of the reasons behind the low takeup of microinsurance products.  Bauchet mentions results from CMF’s randomized controlled trial study of an index-based weather insurance product in … Read More

The Great AP Microfinance Catharsis

This weekend was one of complete catharsis for me. The Indian microfinance sector, as is well known now, has gone through a roller coaster over the course of the last year and a half—one of emotion, accusations, and frustration. For … Read More

Are the RBI’s Financial Inclusion Policies too Conservative?

Shardul Oza

A recent article in The Economist discusses the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s record over the last ten to fifteen years. In general, the magazine takes a favourable view of the central bank’s performance, citing its success in maintaining macroeconomic … Read More

Who will Pay for Financial Literacy?

Mudita Tiwari

As we meander through the thatched mud-stained and brick houses in Uttar Pradesh, our team asks a curious group of smiling clients – “What did you learn at the training session?” or “Does it help when our team reminds you … Read More

A Letter From an MFI Client

Deepti KC

Dear regulators, policymakers and other stakeholders: I am a MFI client from an urban slum, and yes I have taken loans from 2-3 MFIs operating in my area. I do have a bank account, however, every time I have tried … Read More