Author Archives: admin

Newsletter Article – Digital Data Collection – Experiences from Uttar Pradesh

Sitaram Mukherjee, Mudita Tiwari

In partnership with FINO, CMF is evaluating a door-to-door step banking services, FINO has a network of Business Correspondents or Bandhus, who open no-frills savings accounts with the Union Bank for the clients.  They operate in areas where formal banking services … Read More

Digital Data Collection vs. Data Collection on Paper

LEAD Research Team

While digital data collection is a significant departure from the usual paper and pen data collection method, there are both advantages and disadvantages to each data collection method.  However, digital data collection is a step into the future because it … Read More

Is Microfinance Responsible for Everything?

LEAD Research Team

“Profiteers have hijacked the microfinance“; that is what a new book written by Hugh Sinclair alleges. I am not denying that many from this industry are making profit. However, time and again, i am tempted to ask the critics of … Read More

Where do Interventions Come From?

LEAD Research Team

I came across a reference to a paper that was written in the 1800s (in Dublin), where the researcher attempted to help the poor in his neighborhood by employing them in spinning linen-yarn. He reflects on some of the limitations … Read More

MBVF and MFI: Similar yet Different?

Gedeon Lim

Keen readers of microfinance blogs might recall David Roodman making this postawhile back on a quasi-experimental evaluation of Microcredit provision in Thailand where Kaboski & Townsend used an exogenous policy initiative, the “Million Baht Village Fund (MBVF)”, as a proxy … Read More

Savings Dilemma


We often come across people who say that they are not earning enough to save or do not see how a savings account would help them. More often than not, as laymen we believe the story and even empathise with … Read More

Short-Sighted on Regulation?

LEAD Research Team

A look at most news channels and even the financial news channels may not be a pleasant experience these days. The word ‘crisis’ has become a very commonly used word. Much of it has been reported, the question remains as … Read More

Map of Microfinance Distribution in India

If you are interested in understanding financial inclusion in India, have you ever wondered about the penetration of financial services in India at state-wide or district-wide level? Have you ever wished to explore this penetration across various demographic and socio-economic … Read More

Microfinance Bill- Frequently Asked Questions

Deepti KC

Union Cabinet has recently cleared the Microfinance Bill and the bill is now introduced in Lok Sabha. If approved, the microfinance bill will take MFIs outside the purview of state-level legislation and make the central bank to regulate the sector. … Read More

Saved by the Bill?

SKS has shut down branches in Andhra Pradesh and according to Times of India article, “1200 people will lose jobs”- apart from millions of clients losing their credit source. My intention is not to argue on behalf of SKS by … Read More