
ESI : Environmental Sustainability Index

This study attempts to develop a simple, interpretable index of environmental sustainability, which can facilitate benchmarking and cross-state comparisons on various parameters.  … Read More

Environmental and Social Risks in Project Financing: Evidence From India

This project documents case studies of developmental projects in India that have been affected by environmental and social impacts arising out of the project activities. … Read More

An Evaluation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu

This study evalutes the implementation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu and documents the perspectives of key stakeholders. … Read More

Fuel Adulteration

A study that implements as experimental intervention to understand and test policy solutions to gasoline adulteration in India. … Read More

Evaluating FINO’s Financial Literacy Education Program

This study evaluates the impact of a financial literacy training program delivered by business correspondents.  … Read More

Putting Money in Motion: How Much do Migrants Pay for Domestic Transfers?

The study provides insights into the different remittance channels that migrants opt for and the associated money-transfer costs they incur, to understand the various difficulties faced by migrants in transferring money within the country, despite considerable willingness to pay for safe and convenient mode of transfer. … Read More

Best Practices: Environmental Sustainability Index 2011

The Environmental Sustainability Index is a step towards mapping sustainability levels of Indian states, while estimating their ability to balance economic development with environmental concerns.  … Read More

Gender Differences in Seeking Health Care: Evidence From India

This study examines gender differentials in seeking medical care, in light of the healthcare costs faced by household. … Read More

Evaluating the Impact of Health Services on Recipients of Livelihoods Support

This study investigates the impact the combination of a livelihood program with a health program on the ability of low-income households to escape health-income poverty traps. … Read More

Scoping Meso-Level Insurance in Agriculture Sector in India

This study explores the potential and feasibility of agricultural insurance at the meso-level, which covers risk-aggregators such as banks, MFIs, and agribusinesses. … Read More