This report concentrates on the impacts of sea level rise on coastal infrastructure, ecosystem and land in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It aims to highlight the financial implications of sea level rise on existing and proposed infrastructure along … Read More
Sea Level Rise: Impact on Major Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Land Along the Tamil Nadu Coast
Sujatha Byravan, Sudhir Chella Rajan, Rajesh Rangarajan | March 22, 2005
Innovative Ways to Improve the Savings Habit of Women
Deepti Kc | March 21, 2005
This brief captures lessons from a study that seeks to improve women’s awareness about savings products.
Filling the Gap: Innovative and Interactive Ways to Increase the Savings of Rural Women in India
Deepti KC, Mudita Tiwari, Vanya Mehta, Spandana Bhattacharya | March 20, 2005
This report presents findings from a study conducted as an experiment in Bihar, an eastern state of India, with 203 women, many of whom were a part of Self Help Groups (SHGs). The authors tested context-specific Financial Education (FE) to … Read More
Financial Literacy Education for Migrant Workers
Mudita Tiwar, Deepti Kc | March 19, 2005
This handbook contains context-specific financial literacy modules that aim to address the knowledge gaps about financial products and services among migrant workers.
Financial Literacy for Women Entrepreneurs
Mudita Tiwar, Deepti KC | March 18, 2005
The research was aimed at understanding the social, cultural and economic factors influencing modes of payments (cash versus electronic) used by small scale entrepreneurs. The findings indicate a strong preference for cash, which is a culturally accepted payment mode for … Read More
The Efficacy and Financial Sustainability of Mobile Phone-based Agricultural Extension
Shawn Cole, Nilesh Fernando, Tarun Pokiya, Hee Kwon Seo, Niriksha Shetty | March 16, 2005
This policy brief describes lessons from a large-scale field experiment that has delivered mobile-phone-based agricultural information to cotton farmers in western India.
Informing Policy: Gender Differences in Health Outcomes
Parul Agarwal, Misha Sharma | March 15, 2005
This policy note summarises key findings from a study that attempts to examine whether there exists gender differentials in the seeking and treatment of eye care.
Improving the Use of Health Products: A Sales Experiment with Chlorine Tablets in India
Camille Boudot, Anita Mukherjee | March 14, 2005
In this paper, the authors present findings from a study that tested a door-to-door marketing intervention aimed to increase use of a tar- geted health product, in our setting chlorine tablets for drinking water purification. Specifically, they examine three treatments … Read More
Repayment Flexibility in Microfinance Contracts: Theory and Experimental Evidence on Take-up and Selection
Giorgia Barboni | March 13, 2005
This paper studies the impact of introducing repayment flexibility in microfinance contracts. The author builds an adverse selection model that predicts the existence of a separating equilibrium where lenders are able to achieve higher profits by simultaneously offering a rigid … Read More
A Blueprint for the Delivery of Comprehensive Financial Services to the Poor in India
Bindu Ananth, Bastavee Barooah, Rupalee Ruchismita, Aparna Bhatnagar | January 6, 2004
This paper attempts to articulate a new vision for the scaled delivery of comprehensive financial services to the rural and urban poor of India. The strategies suggested in the document draw heavily on the lessons from previous experiences in this … Read More