
The Staff Behind the Story: Power of Grassroots Staff in Achieving India’s Development Goals

Deepti KC | August 4, 2015

Today,both government and non-government bodies are adopting a Community Driven Development (CDD) model, which operates on the principle that the poor can effectively identify their needs; thus, when provided with adequate information, appropriate capacity and financial support, they can address … Read More

Can Mobile Technology Bolster the Indian MSME Sector?

Pratibha Joshi, John Victor Arun Kumar | July 3, 2015

The role of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector in India cannot be ignored. With 4.6 million enterprises, it employs 800 million people, and accounts for 45 percent of manufactured output and 40 percent of exports[1]. However many … Read More

Exploring New Trends: Data Visualization for Everyone

LEAD Research Team | July 1, 2015

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then every academic paper you’ve ever read is surely worth at least a dozen images. These pictures represent the data that researchers and policymakers strive so hard to produce; data that is … Read More

Dr. Andre Butler on Climate Change and Poverty

LEAD Research Team | June 16, 2015

Dr Andre Butler is a Research Fellow at IFMR LEAD. We spoke with him about climate change and it’s link with poverty. Here’s an excerpt from the interview What got you interested in the topic of climate change? When I … Read More

Barriers to Basic Banking in India

Camille Boudot, Amy Mowl | May 29, 2015

The Indian government is promoting the Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar and mobile banking – or the “JAM trinity” — as the pathway to financial inclusion. But are banks capable or even willing take on their role in this ambitious agenda? … Read More

Chennai Should Levy Rs.30 per Trip as Congestion Charge

LEAD Research Team | May 7, 2015

India Climate Dialogue,  hosted by the Shakti Foundation, recently published an article on their website by ENCC, CDF-IFMR LEAD. The article is based on the report by IFMR LEAD on “Fiscal Instruments for Low Carbon Transport.” Addressing the problem of … Read More

What does Global Findex Database 2014 Tell About Financial Inclusion in India? Improved, but a Long Way to Go!

LEAD Research Team | April 24, 2015

The World Bank’s Development Research Group ‘Global Financial Inclusion Database (Global Findex)’ has recently published its comprehensive report The Global Findex Database 2014: Measuring Financial Inclusion around the World and The 2014 Global Findex database.  Good news is that between 2011 and … Read More

Experimenting with Piggy Banks for Livelihoods

LEAD Research Team | April 22, 2015

Picture yourself as a working-woman in rural Bihar. Lucky for you, at this time, it’s the three to four months in which you get a daily wage: harvesting season. Unlucky for you, as a Paswan, or Mahadalit, you got the short … Read More

From the Diary of a Novice Researcher

LEAD Research Team | April 16, 2015

Currently, we are in the baseline phase of data collection for the project- Affordable Day Care to Empower Indian Women. This is an impact evaluation project, which aims to assess the impact of day care centers on women’s economic and … Read More

Us and Them (Pink Floyd, 1973)

LEAD Research Team | April 15, 2015

After having worked in the field for considerable amount of time, I use this space to reflect on what differentiates us and the people we study. I am going to gloss over obvious differences like living standards and instead search … Read More