
The Important Role of Digital Payments in Reaching India’s Financial Inclusion Objectives

Nachiket Mor | May 8, 2014

Nachiket Mor The financial inclusion and efficiency gains associated with ubiquitous access to digital payments systems are very high. Digital payments can reduce transaction costs by up to 90 percent[1], save the Government more than Rs. 1 lakh crore[2], and … Read More

Empowering the Poor or the Rural Elite?

Deepti KC, Kalrav Acharya | May 5, 2014

Image Source: PTI In this general election, many candidates are banking on votes based on the performance of poverty reduction and social security schemes. India has a plethora of such schemes, and the government has invested billions of rupees in … Read More

What is Social Exclusion? A Story from the Field

LEAD Research Team | May 2, 2014

Photocredit: Quirky Kid Social exclusion has been defined as ‘the process through which individuals or groups are wholly or partially excluded from full participation in the society within which they live’.  Gender, caste or ethnic disadvantage translates into social exclusion … Read More

Can Qualitative Research be Rigorous? Part 1: What is Qualitative Research?

LEAD Research Team | April 28, 2014

Although this view is rapidly changing, qualitative research sometimes carries a reputation of being a less reliable or trustworthy approach than say, econometrics. More often than not, this stems from a belief that qualitative research is fundamentally subjective and therefore … Read More

Rennaisance through Regulation? On the Continuing Growth of the Indian Microfinance Sector

LEAD Research Team | April 22, 2014

After the Andhra Pradesh crisis in 2010 hit, the extensive media coverage on predatory lending practices, coercive collection methods and resulting farmer suicides due to over indebtedness etched itself in public memory. Microfinance had promised the upliftment of the poor … Read More

Sa-Dhan – National Financial Inclusion Conference 2014 – Liveblog Series

Sa-Dhan hosted the 9th National Financial Inclusion Conference in Mumbai on March 14, last week. The conference was titled “Partnership and Future Growth: Challenges Ahead for the Microfinance Sector”. IFMR Research served as a Knowledge Partner at the event and … Read More

A Fresh Look at Informal Finance in Chennai

Amy Mowl and Ben Sprungkeyser | January 31, 2014

There is revived interest in the role of informal credit in India, with researchers using a variety of innovative tools to study informal products and their delivery channels. While the majority of informal loans may come from professional moneylenders, such lenders are … Read More

Microfinance India Summit 2013 – SHG Bank Linkage – Optimizing the Potential

LEAD Research Team | December 18, 2013

Overview:  With the large existing pool of SHGs and the expected growth, it is imperative that the role of SHGs is extended beyond (indirect) credit linkage, and strategies are developed to optimize their potential in enabling comprehensive financial inclusion of … Read More

Microfinance India Summit 2013 – Financial Inclusion Vision 2020

LEAD Research Team | December 10, 2013

Overview: This session wil attempt to build a vision for financial inclusion in India, identify policy bottlenecks, strategies for convergence and incubation of innovations for sustained and durable outcomes towards mainstreaming the poor into formal financial systems. Moderator – N Srinivasan, Sector … Read More

Price Information: Leading to Roads Less Taken

LEAD Research Team | November 14, 2013

For many of India’s 850 million rural inhabitants, 40 per cent of whom live in poverty, delivering agricultural output in a timely manner is a significant challenge. Poor infrastructure, lack of scale  economies (70 per cent of landholdings are less … Read More