Author Archives: [email protected]

Rules of Thumb: Providing Timely Useful Financial Management Advice at Scale in India

This study assesses the impact of an affordable and scalable financial capability intervention that delivered rules of thumb based business advice to entrepreneurs, via voice-based mobile phone messages. … Read More

Incentivising Self-Help Groups to Influence Improved Sanitation Behaviors: Evidence from Rural Tamil Nadu

This study aims to understand and unpack the complex factors that influence latrine use in among rural households in India. … Read More

The Cream of the Crop: Targeting High Ability Entrepreneurs Using Microcredit Group Information

The study proposes an alternative means to measure entrepreneurial ability by leveraging existing networks of micro-credit clients to identify and target high ability entrepreneurs who can transition their enterprises to SMEs. … Read More

Assessing Value Chain Digitization

This exploratory research study aims to map and analyse the various value chains that low-income consumers and merchants transact in, to identify strategies for promoting digitisation. … Read More

Measurement of Latrine Use in Rural India

This study presents evidence from a measurement study on reported latrine use rates using alternative framing of questions to better identify indicators that accurately measure latrine use and support large-scale sanitation programmes. … Read More

Setting Up a Registered Chit Fund for Underserved Small Businesses and Low-Income Households: Rural and Urban Areas

This study examines the Chit Fund model in India and tests the viability of running a rural chit scheme by setting up and comparing the costs of running rural and urban chit schemes. … Read More

Understanding the Effects of De-Legalisation on Bank Account Holders

This study provides insights into the impacts of demonetization among low-income bank account holders and their change in behaviour, attitudes, and perceptions towards digital payments. … Read More

The Evolving Financial Ecosystem for Micro-Merchants in India

This study aims to gain deeper insights into the financial needs of micro-merchants and identify skill and capacity gaps that need to be addressed in order to ease their adoption of digital payments. … Read More

Evaluating the Efficacy of an App-Based Livestock Insurance Scheme in Rural India

This study evaluates the impact of making livestock insurance products digitally accessible and delivered through mobiles phones on uptake of insurance by farmers … Read More

Marketing Complex Financial Products in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Rainfall Insurance in India

The study evaluates the impact of financial literacy training on take-up of index-based rainfall insurance products. … Read More