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Financial Inclusion Studies: Analysis of No-Frills Accounts Drives in Gulbarga

An evaluation of financial inclusion drives to assess goals achieved and the behaviour of clients using newly opened accounts in the district of Gulbarga, Karnataka. … Read More

Financial Inclusion Studies: Analysis of No-Frills Accounts Drives in Cuddalore District

This study evaluated district-level financial inclusion drives to assess goals achieved and the behaviour of clients using newly opened accounts in the district of Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Financial Inclusion Drive: Perspectives From Gulbarga

This study evaluates financial inclusion drives in the district of Gulbarga, Karnataka, to assess their impact and success in opening accounts for unbanked households. … Read More

Can Workforce Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

This study examines whether workfare programs, such as NREGA, can provide coping mechanisms for low-income households, by stabilising income generation during economic shocks caused by weather risks. … Read More

An Evaluation of India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change

This study evaluates the design of India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, and provides actionable recommendations to facilitate policy implementation.  … Read More

Smallholder Access To Weather Securities: Demand And Impact On Consumption And Production Decisions

This study evaluates the potential of a weather index insurance product in addressing the insurance requirements of smallholder farmers.  … Read More

Targeting the Hard-Core Poor – An Impact Evaluation

This study evaluates the impact of an asset transfer and training program on the economic and social well-being of ultra-poor households.  … Read More

Impact of Improved Father Involvement in Early Childhood Care Among Rural Indian Parents: Insights from Randomised Evaluation

This study examines the impact of awareness and behaviour change among parents on children’s development, as well as early stimulation and learning. … Read More

The Landscape of Crop and Livestock Insurance in India

This is a detailed landscape assessment of agricultural insurance in India, with a focus on crop and livestock insurance, providing a brief overview of the current landscape of products available, details on take-up and usage of crop and livestock insurance and the barriers faced on the supply and demand sides. … Read More

Improving Quality of Health Care to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Kerala, India

This assessment examines the impact of a quality standards training program based on guidelines to improve on the management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) in public hospitals in Kerala. … Read More