Author Archives: [email protected]

Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness among Youth: Evaluation of the Kissa Kahani Program

This study examines the impact of a community-based multi-media intervention that aims to improve sexual and reproductive health awareness among youth. … Read More

Evaluating Constraints to the Adoption of Machan Farming

This study examines the role of credit constraints in the adoption of an innovative new model of multi-layered vegetable farming in contemporary India. … Read More

Assessing the Business Correspondent Model in Women’s World Banking Pilot Cities

This study aimed to understand the demand and supply-side factors that influence the success of the Business Correspondent model in India. … Read More

Digital Solutions for Empowerment of Women’s Collectives in Chhattisgarh

This project examines the pathways through which a digital platform can improve women’s access and take-up of government entitlements and create sustainable livelihoods. … Read More

Exploring Household Financial Decision-making through a Migration Lens

This study examines the factors that shape financial decision-making in migrant households in India, and aims to bridge gaps in current literature on their financial preferences and practices. … Read More

Impact, Feasibility of Investment and the Future of Efficient Cookstoves

This impact assessment seeks to understand the socio-demographic and market factors that determine the success of investment in efficient cookstoves.   … Read More

Evaluating the Impact of a Farm Ponds Program

This impact assessment will examine and document the impact of Deshpande Foundation’s ‘Farm Ponds’ program. … Read More

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Support for CGIAR’s GENDER Platform

As part of this project, LEAD is providing technical inputs on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to CGIAR’s GENDER platform initiative. … Read More

Impact Evaluation of Tamil Nadu’s COVID-19 Assistance Package (CAP)

This evaluation assesses the impact of Government of Tamil Nadu’s COVID Assistance Package (CAP) on intended beneficiaries. … Read More

Assessing COVID’s Impact on the MFI Sector and Way Forward

This study examines the impact of COVID-19 and the associated lockdown in India on the operations and financial health of Microfinance Institutions. … Read More