Author Archives: admin

What is Social Exclusion? A Story from the Field

LEAD Research Team

Photocredit: Quirky Kid Social exclusion has been defined as ‘the process through which individuals or groups are wholly or partially excluded from full participation in the society within which they live’.  Gender, caste or ethnic disadvantage translates into social exclusion … Read More

Can Qualitative Research be Rigorous? Part 1: What is Qualitative Research?

LEAD Research Team

Although this view is rapidly changing, qualitative research sometimes carries a reputation of being a less reliable or trustworthy approach than say, econometrics. More often than not, this stems from a belief that qualitative research is fundamentally subjective and therefore … Read More

Rennaisance through Regulation? On the Continuing Growth of the Indian Microfinance Sector

LEAD Research Team

After the Andhra Pradesh crisis in 2010 hit, the extensive media coverage on predatory lending practices, coercive collection methods and resulting farmer suicides due to over indebtedness etched itself in public memory. Microfinance had promised the upliftment of the poor … Read More

Sa-Dhan – National Financial Inclusion Conference 2014 – Liveblog Series

Sa-Dhan hosted the 9th National Financial Inclusion Conference in Mumbai on March 14, last week. The conference was titled “Partnership and Future Growth: Challenges Ahead for the Microfinance Sector”. IFMR Research served as a Knowledge Partner at the event and … Read More

A Fresh Look at Informal Finance in Chennai

Amy Mowl and Ben Sprungkeyser

There is revived interest in the role of informal credit in India, with researchers using a variety of innovative tools to study informal products and their delivery channels. While the majority of informal loans may come from professional moneylenders, such lenders are … Read More

KGFS: Impact on Lending Patterns


This brief presents preliminary results from an evaluation of access to formal finance in Tamil Nadu. The study was conducted by researchers from EPoD – Harvard and Duke University, in partnership with LEAD.

Implementation of a Women-based Community Driven Development (CDD) Programme in Tamil Nadu: The Pudhu Vaazhvu Project (PVP)

Deepti Kc, K. Acharya

This case study examines one community driven development project in southern India, called the Pudhu Vaazhvu Project (PVP). The study reveals that most poor families in the examined region are included in PVP PIP list (the PVP’s list of poor … Read More

The Miracle of Microfinance? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Rachel Glennerster, Cynthia Kinnan

This paper reports results from the randomized evaluation of a group lending microcredit program in Hyderabad, India. A lender worked in 52 randomly selected neighborhoods, leading to an 8.4 percentage point increase in takeup of microcredit. Small business investment and … Read More

Barriers to Basic Banking: Results from an Audit Study in South India

Amy Jensen Mowl, Camille Boudot

This working paper presents findings from an experimental study conducted in urban South India to examine the barriers faced by customers in purchasing a low-cost savings product. The authors found that banks have a high ability to influence financial access … Read More

Engendered Access Engendered Care? Evidence from a Major Indian Hospital

Debraj Ray, Rajshri Jayaraman, Shing-Yi Wang

A central feature of many developing countries is the presence of significant gender differentials in health outcomes. Two potential factors that can account for this are that females access treatment later than males and that they receive differential care at … Read More