Institutions and Society

Adaptation to Persistent Drought and Groundwater Depletion: Evidence from Karnataka

Study that gathers evidence on how farmers in Karnataka adapt and cope with multi-year and persistent drought. … Read More

Activating Environmental Information – Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for India

This study  reviews the current status of information dissemination regarding the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) to identify possible impediments for its implementation in India. … Read More

Incentivising Self-Help Groups to Influence Improved Sanitation Behaviors: Evidence from Rural Tamil Nadu

This study aims to understand and unpack the complex factors that influence latrine use in among rural households in India. … Read More

Performance-based Contracting in Sanitation Delivery

This study reviews three performance-based sanitation contracts to identify preconditions for improving the effectiveness of these approaches in improving sanitation service delivery in India. … Read More

Mid-Term Review of WSSCC’s Medium Term Strategic Plan, 2012-16

Case study on Mid-Term Review of WSSCC’s Medium-Term Strategic Plan to assess its progress against intended outcomes and suggest improvements. … Read More

Feasibility Study for Sustained Management of Public Sanitation Facilities

Study to support the implementation of City Sanitation Plans across and the development of State Sanitation Strategies to improve public sanitation across the country. … Read More

Investigating the Impact of a Mobile-Based Agricultural Extension Service

LEAD’s policy brief describes lessons from a large-scale field experiment that has delivered mobile-phone-based agricultural information to cotton farmers in western India. … Read More

Doubling Farmers’ Incomes: Issues and Strategies for Tamil Nadu

Study to assess current income levels of farmers and existing strategies for income increment in rural Tamil Nadu in order to present actionable items and policy recommendations in accordance with Tamil Nadu government’s objective of doubling farmer’s incomes. … Read More

Measurement of Latrine Use in Rural India

This study presents evidence from a measurement study on reported latrine use rates using alternative framing of questions to better identify indicators that accurately measure latrine use and support large-scale sanitation programmes. … Read More

Review of BMGF/DFID Partnership Cities Project

This study reviews the outcomes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMFG)/UK Department of International Development (DfID) initiated partnership to promote private sector engagement in non-networked sanitation and improve capabilities of sanitation service authorities to govern these partnerships. … Read More