Financial Well-being and Social Protection

Policy Lessons from Marketing Monsoon Onset Insurance in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh

Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University; Lisa C. Nestor – Centre for Micro Finance, IFMR; Surabhi Agrawal – Centre for Micro Finance, IFMR; Tetyana Zelenska – Innovations for Poverty Action

This policy note summarizes evidence of the existence of informal insurance networks and the extent of such informal exchanges in community level financial management. It provides information regarding the interaction of the informal and formal insurance markets, assessing the demand … Read More

Can Formal Banking Raise the Incomes of the Poor?

Rohini Pande, Shawn Cole, Anitha Sivasankaran, Gautam Bastian and Katherine Durlache

This policy note reports the results of a systematic review of the empirical literature investigating the impact of access to formal banking services on the income of the poor. Taking a functional approach to finance, the authors define formal banking … Read More

Putting Money in Motion: How Much do Migrants Pay for Domestic Transfers

Shreyas Gopinath, Justin Oliver, Ajay Tannirkulam, R.R. Kulkarni, Supriyo Bhattacharya

Many of India’s domestic migrants (a group that numbers 100 million by some estimates) regularly confront a significant problem: how to move money from where it is earned in one part of the country to another part of the country … Read More

Return to Kolar Crisis

Veena Jayaram, Deeptha Umapathy, Shreyas Gopinath, Amulyakrishna Champatiray

This CMF study looks into how the access to microfinance has dried up for the people in this region. What are their current options as far as access to credit is concerned? The report attempts to throw light on various … Read More

Informal Microfinance in Assam

Debabrata Das

This report presents insights from a study undertaken as a part of the Microfinance Researchers Alliance Program (MRAP), a research capacity development programme run by the Centre for Micro Finance (CMF) at IFMR Research. The study throws light on how … Read More

Client Profiling: a Qualitative Study of Experiences of Female Microfinance Clients

Shani Schechter

This study uses in-depth interviews to understand how women decide to be clients of an MFI, which factors guide loan usage and repayment, and women’s negotiating powers within the household. The focus is on the micro-credit client rather than the … Read More

Futures Pricing in the Agricultural Sector: Research Findings

Shawn Cole, Stefan Hunt, David Yanagizawa-Drott

For anyone trading or investing in a product, knowledge of prevailing market prices is of utmost significance. For products with high price volatility, informed future pricing can affect current investment decisions as well as lead to more accurate price expectations. … Read More

Role of Financial Intermediaries in the Indian Life Insurance Sector

Santosh Anagol, Shawn Cole, Shayak Sarkar

Agents continue to be the lifeblood of India’s life insurance sector, even with rapid urbanisation and advent of customer-friendly technologies. As there are several complexities associated with the sector, most consumers prefer taking the agent route to purchase a policy … Read More

Unpacking the Causal Chain of Financial Literacy

Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, Bilal Zia

A growing body of literature examines the causal impact of financial literacy on individual, household, and firm level outcomes. This paper unpacks the mechanism of impact by focusing on the first link in the causal chain. Specifically, it studies the … Read More

Barriers to Household Risk Management – Evidence from India

Shawn Cole, Xavier Giné, Jeremy Tobacman, Petia Topalova, Robert Townsend, James Vickery

A study conducted by the Centre for Microfinance (CMF) in 5 districts of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat looked deeper into identifying the reasons for the low take-up of rainfall insurance products using a statistically rigorous methodology (Randomized Controlled Trials – … Read More