
The Landscape of Climate Finance in India: Issues With Access and Utilisation

Rahul Muralidharan, Arjun Malhotra, Soumyajit Bhar, Divyanshi Vohra, Vivek Venkataramani | March 30, 2021

This note outlines barriers to the access and utilisation of climate finance in India, drawing on desk review and discussions held during a webinar “The Landscape of Climate Finance in India: Issues with Access and Utilisation” organised by LEAD in … Read More

Phone Surveys and Sensitive Behaviour Reporting: Evidence from a Methods Experiment in India

Sujatha Srinivasan, Geetanjali GK, Anup Roy | November 19, 2020

This report presents insights from a study that examines the efficacy of phone surveys relative to in-person surveys in sensitive behaviour reporting within the Indian context. It also seeks to understand cost variations in phone surveys, relative to in-person surveys. 

Father Involvement in Early Childhood Care: Insights From an Intervention Among Parents in Rural India

Sapna Nair, Shivani Chandramohan, Nandhini Sundaravathanam, Arvind Balaji Rajasekaran, Rathish Sekhar | November 19, 2020

This paper discusses insights from the design and implementation of a study that tested the impact of techno-social innovations in improving the involvement of fathers in child-care on child development outcomes.

Microbusiness Employment Trends: A Case During Crisis

Kanika Joshi | November 19, 2020

LEAD at Krea University in partnership with the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship is conducting a national level COVID-19 impact study that aims to capture the status of micro-enterprises in India during the current crisis. This case study captures key … Read More

Impact of Covid on Microbusinesses: A Gender Perspective

Kanika Joshi | November 19, 2020

LEAD at Krea University in partnership with the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship is conducting a national level COVID-19 impact study that aims to capture the status of micro-enterprises in India during the current crisis. This case study captures the … Read More

Understanding the Market Landscape and Enterprise Readiness for Women-led Home-based Businesses in Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan

This report explores the market landscape and enterprise readiness of home-based handicrafts and handloom businesses led by women in rural India. The first part of a two-part study, it was undertaken by LEAD at Krea University, through its Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE). … Read More

Empowering Women Collectives Through Digital Initiatives in Chhattisgarh: The Current Landscape

LEAD at Krea University | March 13, 2020

Since 2019, the Initiative of What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE), an initiative of LEAD at Krea University, has been working with the Government of Chhattisgarh and other partners to map the current digitisation initiatives … Read More

Accelerating Women’s Access to Entitlements through Digital Solutions

LEAD at Krea University | March 12, 2020

The Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE) is working with the Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihoods Mission and Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions to train 5,000 self-help group members to become Haqdarshikas. This brief captures provides a … Read More

Digital Solutions to Unlock the Potential of SHGs and Their Federations

LEAD at Krea University | March 11, 2020

This infographic captures pathways of impact for a project with the Chhattisgarh’s State Rural Livelihoods Mission (Bihan) and key stakeholders in the ecosystem which seeks to better understand and test how digital solutions can enable SHGs to promote women’s social … Read More

Women-led Digital Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship

Kanika Joshi, Shruti Sheopurkar | March 10, 2020

This learning note explores the role of digital and financial inclusion in the economic empowerment of women and female entrepreneurship.