
The Risks Posed to our Surveyors

LEAD Research Team | September 27, 2013

During a survey operation, we conduct various surveys with our study participants, such as Household surveys, Vendor surveys, Market surveys and so on. Something we don’t think about however is that while surveying, the field staff, especially the surveyors take various … Read More

Who are the Poor? An Experience with a Community-based Approach

Jamie Toulze | September 25, 2013

Effective identification of the poor continues to be a problem Identification of the poor has always been more easily said than done. Many people consider the poverty line to be 1.25 USD per day, but can such an amount universally … Read More

Access is Not Enough

LEAD Research Team | September 18, 2013

There has been a lot in the news lately about financial inclusion and extending banking services to the poor. With the expansion of the Aadhaar registration and new initiatives like the Financial Access at Birth (FAB), it seems that a … Read More

India Place Finder – A Cutting Edge GIS Tool

LEAD Research Team | September 12, 2013

A cutting edge geographic information system tool to track the Indian diaspora has been developed by Dr. Tsukasa Mizushima, a professor at Tokyo University. Dr. Mizushima and his colleagues have developed the “India Place Finder“, a web-based application that allows … Read More

Great Expectations for the Financial Inclusion Agenda

Amy Jensen Mowl | September 9, 2013

Even in an environment of great expectations, new RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan’s opening statementwas remarkable for its ambition and clarity of purpose.  His speech deserves the widespread praise it has received.  It should also be lauded for its unexpected and … Read More

How do Indians Use their Gold Loans?

LEAD Research Team | September 5, 2013

In our previous post we spoke about why Indians buy gold. Citing another important finding from our gold-loan study, we highlight the various purposes for acquiring gold loans in this post. According to the revised norms of Microfinance Institutions (Development … Read More

Internal Migration: Transmuting Rural India's Population

Today, internal migration seems to have a similar effect on the economies of both the states involved, the lifestyle of their people and more importantly, on the survival of their populations   Migration is not about the distance a person travels or … Read More

The Difficulty of Second-Hand Information in Development

Brian Goggin | August 27, 2013

We present a guest-post from our intern, Brian Goggin. Brian is a senior at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service studying international economics and development. His research interests lie in the relationship between democratic institutions and government development expenditures, with a … Read More

Take-two of the BC Model

LEAD Research Team | August 20, 2013

“The Business Correspondent model is a failure” – seems to be a popular statement to make in the development sector these days. The statement reflects the on-going criticism that the success of the BC model is hindered by various constraints … Read More

The Art of Process Evaluation

LEAD Research Team | August 13, 2013

What is process evaluation? The purpose of Process Evaluation is to assess whether the implementation of the process in a project, is in accordance with the overall project objectives and project plan. PE analysis assesses the strength and structure of; … Read More