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Exploring the Intersection of Climate Change, Livelihoods, Gender and Well-being in and around Pulicat Lake

This project aims to capture and understand the various phenomena and dimensions namely livelihoods, climate, socio-economic, finance, power and gender interplay at various levels in the Pulicat region. BackgroundLocated between Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in South India, Pulicat is … Read More

Measuring Women’s Labour Force Participation – The Way Forward

Partners: Global Evaluation Initiative, IWWAGE Women face several barriers to participating in the economy that pertains to the burden of unpaid care work and the resultant time poverty, lack of adequate skills and knowledge, and lack of opportunities. Amidst these, unpaid … Read More

M&E From the Ground Up: Lessons From Monitoring the Swashakt Program

Partners: Global Evaluation Initiative, 3ie How can M&E frameworks for complex development programs be more inclusive and adaptive to ground realities? LEAD at Krea University along with 3ie will co-host a session on key milestones learnt from developing and implementing … Read More

RIGHTS: Gender and Social Inclusion Assessment for Persons with Disabilities

This project aims to identify and examine how social and economic barriers impact inclusion, accessibility and opportunities for persons with disabilities in Tamil Nadu. Background An estimated 3.2 million people in Tamil Nadu live with some form of disability. Persons … Read More

Opportunities and Challenges for a Green Economic Recovery in Odisha: Exploring the Role of a Collaborative Stakeholder Platform

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on economies worldwide have highlighted the importance of bringing a paradigm shift in enabling an economic recovery, beyond conventional models of growth. Against this backdrop, LEAD at Krea University organised a two-day closed-door workshop … Read More

Consultation with Stakeholders at National Farmer’s Forum Network

Partners: Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Farmer’s Farming Network Sabina Yasmin, Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University, participated in a meeting actioned by SEWA and the Farmer’s Forum Network aimed at bridging the gap between being a producer and becoming … Read More

Technical Assistance: Business Management Training

Partners: RBVPL and NRLM As a part of our ongoing technical assistance to the non-farm team at National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), we conducted training for approximately 450 district and block level staff across 13 states.  This 6-day training in … Read More

Technical Assistance: Cluster Workshop

Partners: Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) and National Rural Livelihoods Mission LEAD in collaboration with FMC and NRLM organised a workshop to strengthen the capacity of officials of MoRD, their Technical Support Agencies (TSAs), Cluster Development Agents in cluster development … Read More

From Resilience to Growth: Supporting Women-Led Rural Microenterprises Through COVID and Beyond

Partners: World Bank and Ministry of Rural Development This three-part series of webinars was convened to share insights from ongoing programs at LEAD, the World Bank and partner organisations, and discuss practical solutions to aid the recovery and growth of … Read More

Policy Dialogue on Innovative Solutions for Achieving City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation

Partners: Asian Development Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan Sanitation Consortium, Stanford University Sujatha Srinivasan, Senior Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University participated and shared insights in an interactive policy dialogue convened by ADBI and … Read More