Author Archives: admin

Government Inaction Hurts RBI’s Efforts, Dismisses Favorable International Environment

LEAD Research Team

These are times when Central Bankers across advanced economies are finding it difficult to avoid polarization of opinion on the merits of their policy paths.  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s Governor though has received an almost unequivocal endorsement from … Read More

Research Proposal Presentation Meeting,Cambodia

IFMR LEAD presented feedback on ongoing research in the area at the Greater Mekong Subregion Research Network (GMS-Net) hosted by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) in Phnom Penh. … Read More

Workshop on Environmental and Social Risks in Project Financing, Mumbai

IFMR LEAD presented key findings from two case studies at the “Workshop on Environmental and Social Risks in Project Financing” hosted by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in Mumbai. … Read More

Interview with Charity Moore on Evidence-based Decision-making in India

LEAD Research Team

Charity Troyer Moore is the India Director for Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard University. She is leading the project, “Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE),” implemented in India by EPoD and IFMR LEAD. We recently took the … Read More

Why Aren’t India’s Women Working- The New York Times Op-ed

Rohini Pandey, Charity Troyer Moore

Usually, economic growth in lower-middle-income countries creates more jobs for women. But as India’s economy grew at an average of 7 percent between 2004 and 2011, its female labor force participation fell by seven percentage points, to 24 percent from … Read More

WASHing Poverty Away with Awareness and Investment

Ankur Gautam

A good part of my college days was spent in commuting from my home to college in a train. A lot of passengers, including me, would know that the station is approaching from the stench caused by open defecation by … Read More

Financial Inclusion Week 2015

IFMR LEAD hosted an event – “Re-imagining Financial Inclusion through Technology” at the ‘FI2020 Week. … Read More

2015: The year of Digital and Financial Inclusion in India?

LEAD Research Team

2015 is set to be a watershed year for the growth and deepening of banking and financial services in India. The Reserve Bank of India and the Union Government, have accorded policy priority to ‘Financial Inclusion’ through an array of … Read More

What is Open Data and why is it Important for Development?

LEAD Research Team

According to the Open Data Handbook Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike. One particular category of Open Data is called … Read More

Basic Field Research Pitfalls that Sabotage our Research

LEAD Research Team

Isn’t research exciting? We can help identity problems that are perhaps not apparent on the surface and yet exist, or are likely to arise in the future; at the same time, we also help practitioners arrive at solutions. It is … Read More