Institutions and Society

Best Practices in Urban Forestry

This is a comparative study of Indian cities to identify existing green cover management practices in urban areas. … Read More

Spotting the Stripes: Tourists’ Willingness to Pay for an Enhanced Wildlife Experience in Bandipur Tiger Reserve

This study estimates tourists’ Willingness to Pay (WTP) for an enhanced wildlife experience in order to inform policies and decision-making towards low-impact tourism in tiger reserves.
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An Evaluation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu

This study evalutes the implementation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu and documents the perspectives of key stakeholders. … Read More

Fiscal Instruments for Environment and Climate Change: Experiences from Indian States

A compilation of experiences from some of the Indian States that have implemented fiscal instruments to address environmental and climate issues. … Read More

Impact Evaluation of NABARD’s Watershed Program in Andhra Pradesh

This study analyses the impact of NABARD’s watershed development programme (WDP) on ecological integrity and livelihood security in Andhra Pradesh. … Read More

An Evaluation of India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change

This study evaluates the design of India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, and provides actionable recommendations to facilitate policy implementation.  … Read More

Documenting Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in the Indo-Gangetic Plains

An evaluation of the adoption of conservation agriculture within the intensive rice-wheat cropping systems of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. … Read More

Fiscal Instruments for Low Carbon Transport in Chennai

This study examines the feasibility of implementing a congestion tax in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to present recommendations regarding levying a per trip charge in heavily congested corridors in the city. … Read More

Best Practices: Environmental Sustainability Index 2011

The Environmental Sustainability Index is a step towards mapping sustainability levels of Indian states, while estimating their ability to balance economic development with environmental concerns.  … Read More

Climate Finance at the Sub-National Level – the Case of Odisha

This study provides recommendations on financing strategies for State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC), based on learnings from Odisha’s experience.  … Read More