Institutions and Society

Impact, Feasibility of Investment and the Future of Efficient Cookstoves

This impact assessment seeks to understand the socio-demographic and market factors that determine the success of investment in efficient cookstoves.   … Read More

The Landscape of Climate Finance in India: Issues With Access and Utilisation

Rahul Muralidharan, Arjun Malhotra, Soumyajit Bhar, Divyanshi Vohra, Vivek Venkataramani

This note outlines barriers to the access and utilisation of climate finance in India, drawing on desk review and discussions held during a webinar “The Landscape of Climate Finance in India: Issues with Access and Utilisation” organised by LEAD in … Read More

Phone Surveys and Sensitive Behaviour Reporting: Evidence from a Methods Experiment in India

Sujatha Srinivasan, Geetanjali GK, Anup Roy

This report presents insights from a study that examines the efficacy of phone surveys relative to in-person surveys in sensitive behaviour reporting within the Indian context. It also seeks to understand cost variations in phone surveys, relative to in-person surveys. 

Using Safety Technology to Improve Training Opportunities and Labor Force Participation for Women: Experimental Evidence From India

This research project aims to study the effects of a scalable intervention on Violence Against Women (VAW) and its effects on labour supply decisions, as a part of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Skills’ Skills Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) operation in India … Read More

Feasibility Study for an Urban Sanitation Development Impact Fund

Feasibility study for an urban sanitation development fund to understand financing needs for expanding coverage of individual toilets. … Read More

A Study on Financing Model and Liabilities (Terminal Benefits) for Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

This study analyses the pension liabilities of Tamil Nadu’s Water Supply and Drainage Board, using a financing model, as well as assesses the impact of funding provisions for pension expenditure on the state budget. … Read More

No Policy is an Island: Finance and Food Security in India

This study evaluates the policies and their implementation encompassing the situation of finance and food security in India.
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Street Police Patrols and Violence Against Women in Public Spaces: Experimental Evidence from India

This project aims to evaluate a unique street patrolling programme – the SHE Teams, an initiative of the Hyderabad City Police, on the frequency and type of street harassment incidents faced by women as well as the role of police visibility. … Read More

Financing State Climate Actions: Initiatives in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh

This study examines the landscape of climate finance in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, and outlines strategies for enabling the states to mobilise capital. … Read More

Developing Financing Strategies for Implementing the State Action Plans on Climate Change

This project presents strategies for raising funds towards assisting the Central and State Governments in India to implement the State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC) in an effective and efficient manner. … Read More