

Strengthening Emergency Response to Gender-based Violence Amid COVID

Host: LEAD at Krea University

Reports of increasing violence against women amid the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the need for a robust support infrastructure for survivors. While there are multiple helplines, and social, health, and legal support services provided by the government and other stakeholders in the ecosystem, these services remain fragmented. In part two of our webinar series on ‘gender-based violence amid COVID-19 and beyond’, panellists examined the framework for emergency response and support systems in India and share practical insights from their work on the frontlines of violence prevention, and relief and rehabilitation efforts. These discussions are being organised as part of an ongoing research program at LEAD, supported by Ford Foundation. The program seeks to convene diverse stakeholders working in this space, and unpack the pathways through which gender-based violence manifests, using an interdisciplinary lens. 


Dr. Swarnamalya Ganesh, Assistant Professor of Practice, Krea University (Moderator)

Madhu Mehra, Executive Director, Partners for Law in Development

Suneeta Dhar, Senior Advisor, Jagori

Poonam Kathuria, Director, SWATI

The panel explored the inefficiency of the fragmented emergency response architecture and support systems for survivors. Experts proposed a roadmap for the future by suggesting recommendations to strengthen the architecture for support services for victims and survivors.

Related Resources

Video – Webinar 2