
RIGHTS: Gender and Social Inclusion Assessment for Persons with Disabilities

This project aims to identify and examine how social and economic barriers impact inclusion, accessibility and opportunities for persons with disabilities in Tamil Nadu. Background An estimated 3.2 million people in Tamil Nadu live with some form of disability. Persons … Read More

Consultation with Stakeholders at National Farmer’s Forum Network

Partners: Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Farmer’s Farming Network Sabina Yasmin, Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University, participated in a meeting actioned by SEWA and the Farmer’s Forum Network aimed at bridging the gap between being a producer and becoming … Read More

Technical Assistance: Business Management Training

Partners: RBVPL and NRLM As a part of our ongoing technical assistance to the non-farm team at National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), we conducted training for approximately 450 district and block level staff across 13 states.  This 6-day training in … Read More

Technical Assistance: Cluster Workshop

Partners: Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC) and National Rural Livelihoods Mission LEAD in collaboration with FMC and NRLM organised a workshop to strengthen the capacity of officials of MoRD, their Technical Support Agencies (TSAs), Cluster Development Agents in cluster development … Read More

Understanding How Social Interactions Shape Women’s Entrepreneurship

This qualitative study documents gender-specific barriers faced by women entrepreneurs and how their interactions with the ecosystem affect their business decisions and outcomes. … Read More

COVID-19 Enterprise Response Research

This study aimed to understand how women-led rural businesses fared during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and it was conducted across four states in India.
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Policy Dialogue on Innovative Solutions for Achieving City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation

Partners: Asian Development Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan Sanitation Consortium, Stanford University Sujatha Srinivasan, Senior Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University participated and shared insights in an interactive policy dialogue convened by ADBI and … Read More

Measuring What Matters: An Indian Index for Women Entrepreneurship

Partners: Global Alliance For Mass Entrepreneurship (G.A.M.E), India Morchan Karthick, Data Scientist from LEAD was a panelist in a webinar on creating an index for women entrepreneurship suited to the local context, organised by Global Alliance For Mass Entrepreneurship (G.A.M.E … Read More

Calling the Shots: Determinants of Financial Decision-making and Behavior in Domestic Migrant Households in India

Vinith Kurian, Shashank Sreedharan and Fabrizio Valenti

Households, like individuals, rely on a variety of financial products and services: they use cash and credit cards to make payments and they make investments to finance future expenses, buy insurance to manage risks to themselves and their assets, and … Read More

Moving the Clean Cookstoves Sector Forward: Six Principles for Investors

Fabrizio Valenti, Mitzi Perez Padilla

Around 3 billion people across the world rely on solid fuels for their daily cooking needs. The adverse effects of traditional cooking methods on health, socio-economic and environmental conditions, especially among women, are well documented. Clean cookstoves promise a solution to these … Read More