

WERise Twitter Chat: Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2020

Host: LEAD at Krea University, IWWAGE

On the occasion of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (November 19), LEAD and the Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy( IWWAGE) hosted a Twitter chat that explored the current landscape of women entrepreneurship in India.

The chat explored strategies for addressing restrictive social norms that influence women’s participation in aspirations for entrepreneurship, improving skilling programs, and building business acumen, enabling meaningful access to technology and markets. Participants also discussed strategies for collecting better-disaggregated data and integrating a gender lens in entrepreneurship development programs and policies.

A report was also launched on the day. It presents evidence on barriers impeding the growth of women entrepreneurs in India and highlights stories of resilience amid uncertainty. The report is based on rigorous research conducted by LEAD and Initiative for IWWAGE to capture the impact of COVID-19 on women-led enterprises in rural and urban India, and provide a deeper understanding of the existing landscape of entrepreneurship.

Related Resources

Blog: WERise Twitter Chat

Report: Women Entrepreneurs as the Powerhouse of Recovery