

Landscape of Climate Finance in India: Issues with Access and Utilisation

Partner: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

In light of the growing need for improving access to finance for enabling climate action, LEAD partnered with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation for a webinar that focused on strengthening access to climate finance in India. The discussion featured a panel of climate experts who brought their experiences in proposal development, programmatic strategy for climate action, monitoring & evaluation, scaling-up of projects through mainstreaming, and engaging with the private sector to the table.


Opening Remarks – Pustav Joshi (Associate Director, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation)

Neha Kumar (India Program Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative)

Dr. Surendra Babu (Deputy General Manager, NABARD)

Dr. Annapurna Mitra (Fellow, Observer Research Foundation)

Sweta Rajpurohit (Climate Change, Forestry and Research, Gujarat Ecological Education and Research Foundation)

Moderator: Rahul Muralidharan, Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University

Discussant: Vivek Venkataramani

The webinar was the first in a series of conversations on improving the access and utilisation of climate finance funds in India and mainstreaming climate action at sub-national levels.

Related Resources

Video: Landscape of Access and Utilisation of Climate Finance in India