Author Archives: [email protected]

Measurement of Latrine Use in Rural India

This study presents evidence from a measurement study on reported latrine use rates using alternative framing of questions to better identify indicators that accurately measure latrine use and support large-scale sanitation programmes. … Read More

Setting Up a Registered Chit Fund for Underserved Small Businesses and Low-Income Households: Rural and Urban Areas

This study examines the Chit Fund model in India and tests the viability of running a rural chit scheme by setting up and comparing the costs of running rural and urban chit schemes. … Read More

Understanding the Effects of De-Legalisation on Bank Account Holders

This study provides insights into the impacts of demonetization among low-income bank account holders and their change in behaviour, attitudes, and perceptions towards digital payments. … Read More

The Evolving Financial Ecosystem for Micro-Merchants in India

This study aims to gain deeper insights into the financial needs of micro-merchants and identify skill and capacity gaps that need to be addressed in order to ease their adoption of digital payments. … Read More

Evaluating the Efficacy of an App-Based Livestock Insurance Scheme in Rural India

This study evaluates the impact of making livestock insurance products digitally accessible and delivered through mobiles phones on uptake of insurance by farmers … Read More

Marketing Complex Financial Products in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Rainfall Insurance in India

The study evaluates the impact of financial literacy training on take-up of index-based rainfall insurance products. … Read More