Author Archives: admin

Digital Lending for Small Merchants: The Missing Road to the Last Mile

John Arun, Shubhranka Mondal

Lack of affordable credit from formal sources is a key factor hindering the growth of MSMEs in India. This learning note presents insights from Catalyst’s ‘Credit as a Hook’ pilot project. The pilot tested a digital payment and loan product … Read More

Accepting Card Payments – All You Need to Know


This primer provides information on different types of card payment solutions available for merchants, and highlights the features and benefits of each solution.

Benefits of Accepting Digital Payments


This infographic illustrates the benefits of digital payment transactions.

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Payments


This infographic provides information on the various kinds of mobile payments solutions and platforms in India.

Catalyst’s Fintech for the Last Mile Incubator Program


This infographic provides a snapshot of the ‘Fintech for the Last Mile’ incubator program launched by Catalyst at IFMR. The incubator was designed to support start-ups that can reimagine and reinvent fintech products for the masses in ways that optimize … Read More

Catalyst’s Digital Payments Lab


This infographic provides a snapshot of the Catalyst program’s approach to promote last-mile digital payment solutions for underserved communities of merchants and consumers in India. Through a partnership with the Government of Rajasthan, Catalyst set up a Digital Payment Lab … Read More

Fintech Customer Centricity

Jayshree Venkatesan, Varinder Gambhir, Sunanda Singhal, Myla Swallow

This playbook aims to equip fintech companies with the tools essential to design customer-centric products and delivery models. Drawing on tools such as the CGAP Customer Centric guide, the Do It Yourself (DIY) toolkit developed by Nesta and Quicksand, the … Read More

A Small Business Go-to Guide for Going Cashless

Sapna Bharath and Gaurav Singhal

This infographic provides a snapshot of the different mobile-based, biometric and card-based digital payment solutions available in India, including a breakup of the technology prerequisites, transaction costs and limits across different platforms.

Leveraging GST for Digital Payments

Mandar Kagade, Raghav Katyal, Janak Priyani, Diksha Singh

This learning note presents insights from a study conducted by Catalyst to understand pain points around GST compliance for wholesalers merchants, and identifies strategies for leveraging tax compliance as a hook for digitising payments.

Is Cash the King?

Shilpa Pandit, Preethi Kannan, Vedika Inamdar, Praveen, Deepthi Kc

Using ethnographic and in-depth qualitative interview research methods, this study sought to understand the factors that influence usage of cash and digital payment solutions among microbusinesses and market clusters of Jaipur, India. This report presents insights on the transaction profile … Read More