Understanding Safety and Mobility Experiences of Women Working in Public Spaces in Chennai

Sujatha Srinivasan (LEAD at Krea University), Meera Sundarrajan (Gender and Policy Lab, Greater Chennai Corporation)

December 2024

Participation of women in the workforce is crucial for fostering inclusive growth, improving family and societal well-being, and achieving long-term economic sustainability. Globally, the female labour force participation rate (FLFPR) has been low despite favourable policies and further exacerbated in low-income and developing economies. There are a range of factors that impede female labour force participation, notable among which are constraints around safety and mobility which significantly influence women’s ability to enter and remain in the workforce.

In this context, LEAD in partnership with the Gender Policy Lab at the Greater Chennai Corporation, undertook a mixed methods study of women workers in public spaces across the city of Chennai (including conservancy workers, postal and courier staff, and gig workers in delivery and logistics) to understand their access and safety requirements and perceptions. This report highlights the urgent need for targeted policy and infrastructure interventions to improve their safety and working conditions. Addressing these challenges will help create a more inclusive and supportive environment, empowering women workers and enhancing their economic participation.



Thematic Area

Institutions and Society