Farmers in India suffer high variability in yields, as a result of uncertainty due to numerous natural and manmade factors. In this context, insurance appears to be a particularly effective means to reduce losses to individuals and communities. It also enables farmers to obtain credit and financing for investment in new technologies and better inputs to enhance/sustain their productive capacity.
Published with the support of CIIE.CO under the Bharat Inclusion Initiative, this study conducted explores the potential of meso-level insurance, which covers ‘risk-aggregators’ such as banks, microfinance institutions, or agribusinesses in addressing the limitations in the current model. The report provides two use cases on setting-up the meso-level insurance model in India and throws light on the local and global understanding of meso-insurance products available along with in-depth interviews of key stakeholders.
Results from this study are expected to help in analysing the feasibility and potential for this alternative form of insurance in Indian agriculture and will contribute towards identifying key design delivery principles for creating viable pathways towards the same.