Scaling the Ladder: Exploring the Growth Potential for Women-Led Nano Enterprises

LEAD at Krea University, Ambuja Foundation

March 2024

In India, women’s empowerment has been a focal point of national growth strategies, policies, and the constitution, aimed at ensuring economic independence, equity, and the development of women. Despite women constituting nearly half of India’s population, roughly only one-third participate actively in economic activities. One significant avenue for empowering women is through the development of nano and micro-enterprises, which are seen as an effective means to combat poverty at the grassroots level by generating employment and income.

This exploratory study by LEAD in Krea University, in collaboration with Ambuja Foundation, presents a profile of women-led nano enterprises in Bhatapara in Chhattisgarh, which serves as a microcosm for rural enterprise ecosystems. While several studies have documented the important contributions of these enterprises in enhancing women’s agency and mobility, few studies have examined the profitability and growth potential of enterprises.

The study highlights the diversity of enterprise sectors, including Manufacturing, Trade, Service, and Farm-Based Enterprises. The findings provide valuable insights into the activities undertaken by individual women nano entrepreneurs who are also members of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), informing our understanding of potential areas for support and intervention.


Study Report

Thematic Area

Small, Growing Businesses and Employment