

3:30 pm IST


Measuring Women’s Labour Force Participation – The Way Forward

Partners: Global Evaluation Initiative, IWWAGE

Women face several barriers to participating in the economy that pertains to the burden of unpaid care work and the resultant time poverty, lack of adequate skills and knowledge, and lack of opportunities. Amidst these, unpaid care work is an essential component of economic activity, often the insidious factor that is primarily invisible, undervalued, and unaccounted for. What are the measurement issues surrounding unpaid care work in a majority of economic analyses and policy formulations? How can these gaps be addressed better?

IWWAGE and LEAD at Krea University will together co-host a session that will discuss strategies to help close the gender data gap on unpaid domestic and care work alongside innovative mechanisms which can be built into the existing labour force survey (LFS). This will be part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week (convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative to learn, exchange and share local and global M&E knowledge).



Watch the recording here