

3:00 pm IST


M&E From the Ground Up: Lessons From Monitoring the Swashakt Program

Partners: Global Evaluation Initiative, 3ie

How can M&E frameworks for complex development programs be more inclusive and adaptive to ground realities? LEAD at Krea University along with 3ie will co-host a session on key milestones learnt from developing and implementing an M&E framework for the measurement of complex outcomes of the Swashakt program in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week (convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative to learn, exchange and share local and global M&E knowledge).

Launched by 3ie in late 2020 with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Swashakt is supporting project implementation and evaluation to generate evidence around interventions that support women’s collective enterprises and enhance their viability, scalability and returns. The session will discuss insights about building monitoring capacity inclusively and sensitively and what trade-offs may be involved in collecting data for measures of women’s agency and economic empowerment. An expert discussant will help highlight what this experience may mean for innovating and recentering M&E.



Watch the recording here